
Millennials (The Sellout Generation) Love Advertising

Hamilton Nolan · 12/05/12 01:11PM

The up-and-coming young "Millennial" generation, comprised of a bunch of soup-slurping microbloggers who mistakenly believe that they are creating rather than following trends, is ready to accept it distinction as the biggest bunch of sellouts coolest generation that history has yet produced. They have an inherent ability—born, perhaps, of a sensitive attunement to the standards of truth and beauty which no machine can replicate—to tell you exactly what is cool, about an advertisement.

Dad of the Year Loves Daughter Enough to Beat Up Everyone at Her High School

Hamilton Nolan · 11/29/12 09:36AM

Michael Canaii (pictured, on throne) is the father of a high school-aged daughter here in New York City. And when he heard rumors that his daughter was acting out in adolescent rebellion, he did what any good father would do: showed up at her high school "swinging a heavy chain with a padlock" while threatening to "fight anyone in his path," all while demanding, "Who's fucking my daughter?"

All the Mistakes Four Ohio College Kids Made Trying to Set Up Their Campus Ecstasy Lab

Hamilton Nolan · 11/27/12 10:19AM

Four Ohio college students were indicted earlier this month on a multitude of drug charges, after they were caught last May trying to steal chemicals from a school chemistry lab in order to cook up some ecstasy in "an empty dorm room." An all too typical tale. For purposes of instruction—and to ensure that future college ecstasy labs are more professionally run—allow us to examine what mistakes they made in their budding criminal enterprise, all detailed exhaustively in this Plain-Dealer story:

Milking: Latest 'Internet Craze' May Be Dumbest Yet

Neetzan Zimmerman · 11/26/12 04:20PM

The Internet has had to endure its fair share of stupid fads, but a new one emerging in the UK may have permanently raised the inanity bar for gerundial "crazes" everywhere.

The Future of Food Is Williamsburg, Basically

Hamilton Nolan · 11/12/12 12:12PM

There was a time, Ad Age tells us, when canned soup or cereal were considered "easy" foods to prepare and consume. Can you imagine? The package-opening, the pouring-out, the adding of milk or water—if that was "easy," people in the olden days must have had it rough! Kids these days know better. For America's Greatest Generation—the Millennials—the future of food is a simple process of raising the Tater Stuffer™ from the rotating 7-11 heating case into one's mouth in one smooth, painless motion.

France Wants To Ban All Homework, French Kids Will Still Smoke Cigarettes and Be Sad Forever

MTanzer · 10/16/12 10:48PM

Every child has wished at one point or another that he or she would walk into school and there would be banners announcing that all homework had been cancelled forever. Of course, God would never answer the prayers of little American boys and girls — but he has heard the cries of French schoolchildren, and their wish is now, almost, a reality.

Justin Bieber Catches Phish Phever

Robert Kessler · 10/08/12 05:37PM

In just a few short years we've been able to watch little Justin Bieber grow from boy to man to ... Phish head? It seems on his current tour, the Canadian wünderkind has been playing parts of three different Phish songs: "Sand," "First Tube" and "Divided Sky."