
Gawker stalker

Gawker · 05/06/03 12:59PM

· "A blotto Brian Dennehy pawing some 20-something
looking girl throughout a set at the Village Vanguard Sunday night. Staggered out mid-set with his lady friend..."
· Kentucky Derby sighting: "I pushed right past Aidan from Sex in City John Corbett coming out of the Brown Hotel in Louisville on Sunday around 2ish. He is super tall and super cool. I didn't notice him until my friend pointed him out. This is such a shame as I have been in love with him since Northern Exposure. He is godlike in his beauty."
· "5:25pm on Sunday, corner of W. Bway and Spring. Saw Mike Meyers horrified as two jersey types hassled him for a photo op. He complied although very shy. And short."