· "A blotto Brian Dennehy pawing some 20-something
looking girl throughout a set at the Village Vanguard Sunday night. Staggered out mid-set with his lady friend..."
· Kentucky Derby sighting: "I pushed right past Aidan from Sex in City John Corbett coming out of the Brown Hotel in Louisville on Sunday around 2ish. He is super tall and super cool. I didn't notice him until my friend pointed him out. This is such a shame as I have been in love with him since Northern Exposure. He is godlike in his beauty."
· "5:25pm on Sunday, corner of W. Bway and Spring. Saw Mike Meyers horrified as two jersey types hassled him for a photo op. He complied although very shy. And short."

· "saw scott 'the speedman' speedster outside of 130
w57th street today at 2:53."
· "Tim Curry at AOC on Grove and Bleeker, Sunday 1PM."
· "8:45 am today saw Monica Lewinsky at the 26th St. flea market (she shops there fairly often). looks a hell of a lot better after the make-up and clothing people get through with her on mr. personality. either that or the director and camera people are doing a terrific job"
· "David Byrne riding a bike up Horatio Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. and wearing a black English riding hat."
· "I was on the last flight from Orlando to LGA Monday night and not pleased that i was sitting in the "back of the bus"...well, i felt a LITTLE better when i noticed that sitting BEHIND me were scott wolf (star of "party of five") and Kelley from the Real World New Orleans...who apparently must be dating, because they were making out during the entire flight...and they did not seem to mind the fact that they were sitting in row 29!"