
The Stupidest 15 Seconds of Tonight's Keeping Up With the Kardashians

Matt Cherette · 08/08/11 12:17AM

Because nobody should be forced to endure an entire 30 minutes of America's most overexposed family every Sunday night, I'll be watching Keeping Up With the Kardashians for you and reporting back with a clip of each episode's most cringeworthy 15 or so seconds.

The Stupidest 15 Seconds of Tonight's Keeping Up With the Kardashians

Matt Cherette · 07/24/11 11:56PM

Because nobody should be forced to endure an entire 30 minutes of America's most overexposed family every Sunday night, we'll be watching Keeping Up With the Kardashians for you and reporting back with a clip of each episode's most cringeworthy 15 or so seconds.

The Stupidest 15 Seconds of Tonight's Keeping Up With the Kardashians

Matt Cherette · 07/17/11 11:16PM

Because nobody should be forced to endure an entire 30 minutes of America's most overexposed family every Sunday night, we'll be watching Keeping Up With the Kardashians for you and reporting back with a clip of each episode's most cringeworthy 15 or so seconds.

The Stupidest 15 Seconds of Tonight's Keeping Up With the Kardashians

Matt Cherette · 07/10/11 11:58PM

Because nobody should be forced to endure an entire 30 minutes of America's most overexposed family every Sunday night, we'll be watching Keeping Up With the Kardashians for you and reporting back with a clip of each episode's most cringeworthy 15 or so seconds.

The Stupidest 15 Seconds of Tonight's Keeping Up With the Kardashians

Matt Cherette · 06/26/11 09:58PM

Because nobody should be forced to endure an entire 30 minutes of America's most overexposed family every Sunday night, we'll be watching Keeping Up With the Kardashians for you and reporting back with a clip of each episode's most cringeworthy 15 or so seconds.

The Stupidest 15 Seconds of Tonight's Keeping Up With the Kardashians

Matt Cherette · 06/13/11 01:12AM

For better or worse (hint: worse), Keeping Up With the Kardashians returned tonight for its sixth season. And because nobody should be forced to endure an entire 30 minutes of America's most overexposed family each Sunday night, we'll be watching it for you and reporting back with a clip of each episode's most cringeworthy 15 or so seconds.

The Business Of Being Kardashian

Jezebel · 02/18/11 12:31PM

"Sometimes just raw energy and intelligence wins out." This man, an entertainment executive, is talking about Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates. But he is also specifically talking about the Kardashians. [Jezebel]

cityfile · 12/22/09 04:38PM

Diane Sawyer's World News debut lifted the newscast's ratings a bit. [LAT]
• As for Sawyer's performance last night, some critics weigh in. [NYT, WP, BG]
• Chris Albrecht, who served as HBO's chief executive until he was fired for pulling a Chris Brown on his girlfriend, is now in charge of Starz. [DH, NYT]
• The second episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians has set a new ratings record for the series and E! Congrats, America. You must be very proud. [THR]
• In related news, Kim has replaced Paris in TV's dirtiest burger ad. [NYDN]
• In other random TV news, CNN has made a minor change to its lineup; and Joan Rivers, who ditched E! in 2005 after a dispute over money, is back.
• It may have been Google that decided not to buy Yelp, not vice versa. [Bits]
• Is TMZ planning to launch a sports-related site? It's looking like it. [PC]
• Hollywood grossed $10 billion at the box office in '09; it's a new record. [AP]
• Kim Peek, the savant who inspired Rain Man, has died at age 58. [NPR]

Reality Stars Know Exactly What You Need This Fall

cityfile · 10/01/09 11:40AM

Reality TV stars artfully bare their souls on camera and in the tabloids, and even better, they do it all without a script. But a TV show is only the first step to building a brand, and now countless pseudo-celebs are milking their 15 minutes and peddling products that you couldn't possibly live without. (Or so they say!) We compiled the most promising items from the brightest minds in faux-showbiz. With these ladies' designs in your style arsenal, your look will never be the same.

Kim Kardashian On Her Breasts: They're Real, and They're Spectacularly Inappropriate

Kyle Buchanan · 10/06/08 06:40PM

Bloggers may face perilous, uncertain futures these days — but not Kim Kardashian! The reality star and Dancing with the Stars bootee has taken to the blogging format like a badonkadonked fish in water. First, Kardashian used her forum to dispute the automobile allegations made against her by a Defamer tipster, and now she's posted an impassioned defense of her naturally fulsome physique. It seems that Kardashian is so tired of rumors that she's had plastic surgery that she's decided to disprove them once and for all — using a queasy-making photograph of herself in a bikini at age 14: