
Your Rape Fantasy Is Boring, Katie Roiphe

Hamilton Nolan · 04/16/12 09:50AM

Katie Roiphe, a well-to-do white woman who will not shut up, has a case of mortal ennui which is relieved only by publishing cretinous trolling articles which draw sweeping pseudopsychological conclusions about womankind from a small handful of vacuous anecdotes mixed with pop culture strained through the special Katie Roiphe Psychic Sexxx Fantasyland Filter. The news today is, she is still doing that.

Most Loathsome Gawker Characters of 2011

Hamilton Nolan · 12/27/11 11:00AM

Many were loathed in 2011; these are the ones we call our own. This is not a list of the world's most loathsome characters. This is (with apologies to the NY Press) a list of Gawker's most loathsome characters. Learn them. Love them. Loathe them.

Shut Up, Katie Roiphe

Hamilton Nolan · 06/24/11 09:37AM

Katie Roiphe, one of the leading sex-opinion-havers of American letters, is the upper crust version of crazy cat woman Andrea Peyser. While Andrea only broadcasts her psychologically-fraught Victorian sexual shame to tabloid readers, Katie Roiphe gets to publish hers in all the favorite news outlets of East Coast Ivy Leaguers. She calls male novelists fey pussies in the NYT Book Review! She told women how to do divorce right in the pages of New York magazine! She pooh-poohed the notion of date rape all over the place! And now, she's taken to Slate—the Gawker of bored academics—to reveal how jokey children's book "Go The Fuck to Sleep" reveals that "yuppie" parents (unlike Katie Roiphe) are doing sex wrong.

Katie Roiphe Is Big Immature Baby

Emily · 05/01/07 04:05PM

Katie Roiphe, N.Y.U. teacher and date rape apologist, wrote movingly in last week's New York magazine about how she's coping with divorce way better than anyone thinks she is and how she has already met someone and did she mention she's remodeling a house with "honey-colored, wide-planked floors"? She is! But one woman, Linda Friedner Cowen, wasn't so impressed with how adeptly Katie is picking up the pieces.