
Kate Middleton Had the 31st-est Birthday Ever (at Cirque du Soleil)

Caity Weaver · 01/10/13 07:38PM

Sounds like Cathy Middleton and her husband Bill had a real nice time for her birthday the other night. They and Cathy's parents and her brother and sister all went and saw that circus—what's that circus? It's like a French circus. Circus du Soleil. Canadian, I guess, you know the one I mean.

The Story Behind the Stories You Loved This Year: Kate Middleton's Boobs

Emma Carmichael · 12/26/12 03:15PM

What happens behind the scenes at Gawker? We know you ask yourselves this question every single hour of every single day, and we don't blame you. We are fascinating. Sometimes we order sandwiches for lunch, and sometimes we order burritos. Sometimes we listen to music while we blog, and sometimes we do not. Sometimes Max Read picks his nose, but not always. With all this in mind, we're sharing with you our official "behind the blog post" backstories for all of the posts you clicked the shit out of this year. First up: Kate Middleton's Boobs.

The 13 Most Powerful Images of Naked Celebrities of 2012

Max Read · 12/05/12 03:55PM

Yesterday, all by ourselves, without no inspiration whatsoever, we brought you the 19 Most Powerful Images of 2012. But we have to ask: was 2012 about "inspiring," "powerful" images? Or was it about celebrity nude photos naked nude sex tape topless? Looking back across the year, we can say, definitely, 2012's biggest story was nude topless celebrities download here for sex tapes.

Where and When Did Kate and Will Have Royal Sex to Conceive the Royal Baby?

Max Read · 12/03/12 06:22PM

Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge and future Queen of England, is pregnant, thanks (we presume) to her husband, Prince "Duke of Cambridge" William. This child will likely one day rule England, and therefore you are probably asking yourself: When and where did the royal couple have royal procreative sex? Some people might say this is a question for nosy perverts; luckily, you are at a website geared toward nosy perverts.

And Now, A Picture of Kate Middleton Dressed as an Adult Baby (UPDATE)

Taylor Berman · 11/12/12 08:14PM

There's not a ton to say about this picture, really. It's Kate Middleton wearing a diaper and a bib while covered in what looks like shaving cream. It's reportedly from a 2001 event at St. Andrew's University, which makes sense; who doesn't have embarrassing photos from college floating around the internet? And, of course, this photo is a lot less scandalous than those other Kate Middleton photos on the internet, although, as The Cut points out, there is a set of droopy balls to Kate's right. Scandal! NSFW!