While the entire world patiently awaited official word on the status of Kate Middleton and her royal fetus, two Australian radio DJs were busy getting first-hand intel straight from the nurse's mouth.

Mel Greig and Michael Christian, hosts of The Summer 30 program on Sydney's 2Day FM radio station decided to phone up King Edward VII Hospital and ask to speak with the Duchess while pretending to be her in-laws, Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Charles.

Much to their surprise, and despite their admittedly terrible accents, the prank worked like a charm, and they were patched through to Kate's private nurse, who was more than happy to spill every last detail on the mother-to-be's "tummy bug."

After news broke that King Edward VII had been played for a right fool, the hospital released a statement confirming that a hoax call had been made, and that it deeply regrets the incident.

"This was a foolish prank call that we all deplore," hospital chief executive John Lofthouse said in the statement. "We take patient confidentiality extremely seriously and we are now reviewing our telephone protocols."

[video via USA Today]