
abalk · 08/20/07 10:23AM

Tomorrow's corrections today: "Mr. Rove, who is leaving the White House at the end of the month, didn't cut an especially heroic or villainous figure. The strategist who looms in the public imagination as a political mastermind and West Wing Svengali used a rare appearance on camera to deliver an exiting White House aide's most time-honored Washington message: mistakes were not made, and it's not my fault. He even denied responsibility for his hip-hop performance as a rapping 'M.C. Rove' at the White House Correspondents' Association dinner in March." Rove was right to deny responsibility: The performance in question occurred at the Radio & TV Correspondents' Association dinner. [NYT]

Doree Shafrir · 08/13/07 12:00PM

When you sent us an email this morning with a link to your BREAKING NEWS that Karl Rove is resigning, we collectively snarfed up some coffee. (Or a Rolaids-coffee mixture, for some of us.) You know, we all read newspapers. [Fishbowl]

Karl Rove To Be Evil Out Of The White House

abalk · 08/13/07 07:50AM

It's a sad day for those of us who like having cynicism and malevolence embodied in one doughy package. After nearly seven years in the White House, President Bush's political adviser Karl Rove is to resign, effective at the end of the month.

Karl Rove uses an iPhone

Owen Thomas · 08/06/07 06:35PM

Ah, gadget love transcends party lines. Presidential advisor Karl Rove, shown here consulting with White House colleague Josh Bolton in Minneapolis, is, it seems, an iPhone user — despite the fact that Al Gore sits on Apple's board. (Photo by Chris Usher for Time)

Anna Nicole Smith's Literary Legacy

Emily Gould · 04/30/07 09:40AM
  • Says the writer whose once-shelved Anna Nicole bio is getting a new lease on life thanks to that lady's death: "I feel morally compelled to put her words out there." [R&M]

Gossip Roundup: Sopranos Hits Close To Home

Emily Gould · 04/23/07 09:16AM
  • Observer goss boy Spencer Morgan's dad got kneed in the balls on the Sopranos last night. Also, Spencer is Harry Morgan's grandson. Now you know. (All about the eyebrows.) [Observer]

Media Bubble: People Do Read Newspapers, They Just Don't Buy Them

Jesse · 11/29/05 03:12PM

• Hey, maybe newspaper readership isn't actually declining, if you count all those people who read papers on the web. Which would seem to make sense. [E&P]
• Syd Schanberg points out that old media will have to stick around in some form, because someone has to do the original reporting. To which we say: Duh. [VV]
• Jack Shafer says Daily Newser Lloyd Grove was right to piss on Time Warner's allegedly off-the-record Scalia event. Just like we said yesterday afternoon. [Slate]
• Judith Miller might put Lewis Libby in jail, but Time's Viveca Novak is key to keeping Karl Rove out, apparently. [WP]
• Tom Friedman sued for copyright infringement over World Is Flat cover art. By someone right here in the United States, no less. [E&P

Gossip Roundup: The Part of Barbara Corcoran To Be Played By the Mom From 'Arrested Development'

Pareene · 10/27/05 09:41AM

• The CorcoDevil refuses to go gentle into that good night, "firing" Pamela Liebman in that drunk joking-but-seriously way, and offering her peons hope that there will be more opportunities to work with her in raping the city. [PageSix]
• The guy from the Killers is in a big bitchy slap-fight with the guy from Fall Out Boy. A series of cutting singles that all sound the same to follow. [PageSix]
• Janet Jackson: still denying the secret teenage daughter, now also denying pregnancy. Still unable to deny existence of that weird ass-slapping tape. [R&M]
• Karl Rove's wife mistress is going to leave him for, and we quote, "her handsome ranch foreman, Rhett Hard. If this is Rove's attempt to distract us from the indictments, it's working. Rhett Hard, people. The fable of Jann Wenner and the ugly couch is also worth noting. [Lowdown, via Radar]
• We note this entry in the continuing tale of the troubled Federline Household: "For example, while Spears was busy changing their infant son s diapers, Federline reportedly spent two hours getting his hair braided." And we ask: two straight hours of changing diapers? Is the Federletus sick??? [Scoop]

Michael Wolff Continues to Make Friends, Influence People

Jesse · 08/12/05 10:40AM

Editor & Publisher grand poobah Greg Mitchell previews Michael Wolff's column on Plamegate in the forthcomingnew Vanity Fair — that's the Jennifer Aniston issue, and, no, by the time it hits newsstands there won't be anything in it you haven't already read about —, and he discovers Wolff in full-on conspiracy-theorist mode. [Update: OK, it's been out for a while, and we should leave the house more often.]

Media Bubble: 'I Participated in Three New York Times-Sponsored Take Back The Night Self-Defense Seminars. I Can Hurt You.'

Jesse · 07/18/05 02:24PM

• Mediabistro scores a Mo Rocca humor piece. No, it's not so funny, but you try doing 1,000 words on Judy Miller and Lil' Kim. [MB]
• Now on eBay, an original first issue of The New Yorker. Only $200. [emdashes]
• Inspired by Rob Haskell's Katie Holmes profile, Simon Dumenco pines for some Scott McClellan/Karl Rove slash fiction. [Ad Age]
• "What I Told the Grand Jury." By Matt Cooper. [Time]
• American Media, Schwarzenegger make deal, then terminate it. [NYT]