
BOMBSHELL INTERVIEW: Is Karl Rove Voting for Donald Trump?

Ashley Feinberg · 07/27/16 08:30PM

PHILADELPHIA — Just a few hours ago, in an interview with Gawker, Karl Rove finally offered an answer to the question on everyone’s mind: Is Karl “the Architect” Rove ready to get behind Donald Trump?

A Guide to the Right Wing's Hillary Clinton Health Conspiracy Theories

Allie Jones · 02/23/16 01:42PM

As Hillary Clinton’s path to the nomination becomes clearer, our favorite right-wingers have doubled down on the conspiracy theory that she has been—secretly—in exceedingly poor health since she suffered a concussion in 2012. What exactly wrong with her? You would not believe how many things.

Can You Decipher Karl Rove's Mysterious Cryptogram?

Ashley Feinberg · 02/09/16 08:39PM

While some networks (including Fox News) prefer to rely on human-sized iPads and holograms of a young Reagan to read the night’s primary results, still-frozen Thanksgiving turkey Karl Rove has chosen to go a different route. More specifically, the Zodiac Killer route.

Hamilton Nolan · 01/08/15 01:54PM

Karl Rove's predictions for 2015 include a Supreme Court vacancy, a Seahawks Super Bowl win, and Republican Congressional leaders "producing a governing conservative vision for 2016." Our prediction for 2015: Karl Rove will look like an egg.

What Is Wrong With Karl Rove?

Adam Weinstein · 05/13/14 12:35PM

Karl Rove is smart. A cynical master of dark arts, sure, but clever about it in a self-interested way that this current crop of inept kamikaze conservatives isn't. Which is why it's weird to watch him degenerate into another conspiracy whisperer. Has he had a serious health episode?

Karl Rove Is Not Even an Interesting Troll

Hamilton Nolan · 05/08/14 09:28AM

The Wall Street Journal op-ed page is known as America's premier forum for right wing lunacy. Fine. At least that can be defended as interesting. What cannot be defended is a major newspaper donating space for blowjobs of ex-presidents by their own former advisors.

Hamilton Nolan · 11/15/12 12:23PM

Would you take election advice from a man who just spectacularly blew an election call? Sure, if you're a Republican.

Hamilton Nolan · 11/08/12 10:12AM

Karl Rove's post-election column fails to mention his own inaccurate election prediction. Karl Rove is a cowardly clown.

Watch Fox News Chew Its Own Leg Off in a Fury of Recrimination

John Cook · 11/07/12 12:03AM

After Fox News—like everyone else—called Ohio for Obama, Karl Rove challenged the decision on-air, causing what can only be described as a kernel panic. Fox News' decision desk, its institutional center of authority for making sound election calls, had issued its decision. And Fox News, in its capacity as a newsgathering operation, had called the election for Obama. But Karl Rove, Fox News' ideological paymaster, challenged the decision. So Megyn Kelly got out of her anchor chair, walked down the hall, and interrogated her own highly trained election analysts on Rove's behalf. You are actually watching what happens when reality intrudes on a dying fever-dream.

Is Obama Too Cool?

Louis Peitzman · 04/29/12 02:02PM

Here's the buzzed-about anti-Obama political ad in which Barack Obama's oppressive coolness is exposed. There's a lot about this strategy I don't understand. Is being cool a problem when you're a president? Does this ad make Obama's fans like him any less? Could Mitt Romney ever pull off Al Green?

How Rick Perry Won 10 Straight Texas Elections

Jim Newell · 08/16/11 11:27AM

Texas Gov. Rick Perry, the presidential candidate whom every single political junkie in America is rapidly learning about, has won ten straight elections in Texas since 1984. And do his vanquished foes ever have some stories! Oh, the stories that they have.

Karl Rove Suddenly Fears 'Extreme' GOP Candidates

Jim Newell · 08/15/11 04:38PM

Karl Rove, whose job for the past couple of years has been to raise tens of millions of dollars to elect extreme Republican candidates to federal office, is starting to fear that the Republican presidential field is becoming too extreme.

Googler Quits During Televised Speech

Ryan Tate · 07/27/11 05:37PM

Google wants to get into the LOLcat business, but Steve Yegge is damned if he's going to help; the engineer told a tech conference that "I am officially quitting that job on national TV." Also in today's Valleywag roundup: Google is showering programmers with 50 percent raises and trips to Paris; Karl Rove advertised in his favorite gay sex app; and a tech writer is minting money off a single review.