
Cops Who Body-Slammed Wheelchair-Bound Man Won't Be Charged

Lauri Apple · 10/23/11 03:05PM

Here we see two D.C. transit police officers apprehending a wheelchair-bound man named Dwight Harris by throwing him to the ground with such force that a pool of his blood forms on the sidewalk. Why do they do this? Oh, because Harris was allegedly drinking some alcoholic devil-drink in public.

Government Sues to Block AT&T, T-Mobile Merger

Jim Newell · 08/31/11 11:47AM

Some big news in the telecom world today, as the Justice Department has sued to block AT&T's $39 billion purchase of T-Mobile on antitrust grounds. This is just like in the old days, when antitrust laws were enforced.

Feds Arrest Ten 'Russian Spies'

Jim Newell · 06/28/10 04:29PM

Hooray, the Cold War is back and awesome. The U.S. government has arrested 10 Russian secret agents who were working "long-term" on getting all of our juiciest bits. Cables from Moscow were intercepted and everything! Holy potatoes.

With Just 50 Days to Go, Bush Still Collecting Black Democrat Indictments

Pareene · 12/01/08 01:08PM

Larry Langford, the mayor of Birmingham, has been arrested! For corruption, or something. The Justice Department finally nabbed him! It's on Drudge! Even though you've never heard of Larry Langford. Langford's terrible massive corruption involved country bond deals, the most boring possible way to be corrupt ever. But one thing the Bush Justice Department has been really good at is nabbing small-time Democrats on corruption charges.