
Clinton Campaign Apparently Also Hacked by Russians

Brendan O'Connor · 07/29/16 06:17PM

In an attack that apparently came from a Russian intelligence agency—and that may or may not be related to similar recent cyber attacks on other Democratic party organizations—computer systems tied to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign have been hacked, New York Times and Reuters reported on Friday.

Justice Department Launches Investigation into Arizona's Democratic Primary

Jeff Ihaza · 04/04/16 10:45PM

In March, thousands of voters in Arizona reported waiting in hours-long lines to cast their vote in the state’s Democratic primary. Over 100,000 people have signed a petition demanding a revote in the state and now, the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice has officially opened an investigation to uncover what exactly happened during last month’s primary.

Justice Dept Finds Years of Racial Discrimination By Ferguson PD: Report

Aleksander Chan · 03/02/15 08:35AM

According to the forthcoming report on the Justice Department's investigation into the Ferguson, Mo. police department for alleged civil rights violations, the department has demonstrated a history of racial profiling that has intensified race relations in the St. Louis suburb.

Same-Sex Couples Are People, Justice Department Announces

Luke O'Neil · 02/08/14 04:10PM

Attorney General Eric Holder is expected to announce on Monday that he will instruct the Justice Department to extend full and equal protection to same-sex marriages in all of the programs it oversees. Among the considerations granted in the policy memo are that same-sex couples cannot be compelled to testify against one another in court, that they can apply jointly for federal bankruptcy, and that federal inmates can avail themselves of the same allowances as other married couples such as in visitation rights. Also it's mandatory that people stop bitching about Looking now.

Confidential Justice Department Memo: Targeted Killing of Americans Does Not Require 'Clear Evidence' of Imminent Attack

Taylor Berman · 02/04/13 11:12PM

Late Monday evening, NBC's Michael Isikoff released a report detailing a confidential Justice Department memo obtained by NBC News. The memo, called the white paper, discusses the legal justifications for the use of drone strikes and other lethal attacks against American citizens believed to be members of al-Qaida, offering explanations that expand on public statements previously issued by Obama's nominee for CIA director John Brennan and Attorney General Eric Holder.