
The Top Three Myths About Anonymous

Adrian Chen · 12/09/10 11:55PM

By now you've heard about how the shadowy collective Anonymous is launching cyberattacks—"Operation Payback"—against perceived enemies of Wikileaks, including PayPal, Amazon and MasterCard. But you've probably heard wrong. Let us debunk three commonly-held myths about Anonymous.

Corrected: Anonymous Attacks ABC News, Threatens Amazon.com

John Cook · 12/09/10 10:15AM

The Anonymous online movement that has risen up to defend Wikileaks is so outraged about censorship that they hacked into ABC News's web site and spiked a story about Sarah Palin. Makes sense, no? Or not.

Correction: The page we thought was an Anonymous hack replacing Jake Tapper's story, from which this screengrab is taken, was actually a page created by ABC News to show the hack that had been perpetrated on Palin's web site. Our mistake. Here is the Tapper story, safe and sound.

Julian Assange's Sex Life As Explained By Glenn Beck

Kate Shapiro · 12/07/10 06:00PM

Julian Assange's sex life is complicated. Thank God we have Glenn Beck and a chalkboard to explain it to us! Watch as Glenn Beck guides you through Assange's one night stands complete with barbie pictures, impressions and crude chalk drawings.

Julian Assange To Turn Himself In To Police

Ryan Tate · 12/06/10 06:49PM

The founder of Wikileaks said he'd voluntarily meet with police in London on Swedish sexual assault charges. In the meantime he's raising bail money. Also, Columbia University disowned some anti-Wikileaks statements and AP will stop calling Wikileaks "whistle blowers."

Upcoming Wikileaks Documents Will Deal with UFOs

Adrian Chen · 12/04/10 05:10PM

Even as Wikileaks battles for its digital existence and Interpol closes in on Julian Assange, the cables keep flowing. This week brought details about Berlusconi and Putin's bromance and China's Googling habits, plus tantalizing hints of extraterrestrials. Diplomatic gossip roundup!

Jon Stewart to Julian Assange: "Stop the Drama!"

Matt Cherette · 11/30/10 11:36PM

Tonight, Jon Stewart opened with the second segment in as many days regarding WikiLeaks' latest data dump (watch the first here). During it, Stewart went after WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and his exaggerated martyrdom complex, exclaiming, "Stop the drama!"