
Judge Has More Sex Tape Questions for John Edwards

Jim Newell · 04/29/11 01:20PM

Remember the sex tape that Democratic pariah John Edwards made with the mother of his illegitimate child, the delightful Rielle Hunter? Hunter is still suing Edwards confidante-turned-enemy Andrew Young for possession of the tape. Edwards has already offered some testimony, and now the judge wants more. Gross.

Judge Orders Wisconsin Capitol Re-Opened

Jim Newell · 03/01/11 02:39PM

A Dane County, Wisc., judge has issued a temporary restraining order to reopen the Wisconsin Capitol building to the public. Capitol access was restricted over the weekend and again this morning, following days in which the building had been crowded with protesters. The Wisconsin State Employees Union, along with the AFL-CIO and AFSCME, filed the suit against the state of Wisconsin yesterday.

You Can Now Download New York's Official Apocalypse Manual

Max Read · 02/15/11 01:14AM

It's a well-known fact that someday, all of New York will be reduced to a smoldering, hellish wasteland, a post-apocalyptic desert so bad it will make The Road look like Sex and the City, a badland consisting of the ashes of a once-mighty city felled by war, disease, terror, or Zu'ul. Luckily, we've got an official legal manual!