
Only Jews Get Real Estate Bargains

Jessica · 10/28/05 08:53AM

We've been peacefully sleeping through this election season (should the suspense of who might lose to Bloomberg be killing us?), but the Rent Is Too Damn High Party tackles the compelling issues while providing the entertainment we've been so desperately craving. According to the the party's website, New York's problem is simple:

What, the Zone You Don't Think They Flood Anymore?

Jesse · 09/28/05 01:28PM

First, we had no idea kugel was changing. Second, we had no idea Brooklyn is the kugel capital of the United States. (Why has Marty Markowitz not told us this?) And, third, we really had no idea there were 1,200 words to be written on the topic.

Apparently He's the Menachim Begin of the Penis

Jesse · 08/02/05 09:13AM

Leave it to the Post to find an angle on Saudi King Fahd's death that, in one swoop, hits at least three of that paper's favorite points: Zionism, sex, and ethnic slurs. To wit: