
Doree Shafrir · 08/29/07 01:40PM

We understand that Salon deputy life editor Sarah Karnasiewicz has departed Joan Walsh's terrordome for Saveur. We wonder if they'll be hiring someone to replace her, or if they'll just rejigger everyone else's responsibilities? Like the way they made Joy Press edit Books and Life! (Incidentally, is anyone editing their loon advice columnist Cary Tennis these days?)

Another Exit At 'Salon'

Doree · 04/09/07 11:33AM

Salon, ahoy! Yet one more staffer has departed; this one is Scott Lamb, who used to write the gossip-roundup feature The Fix. (Update: Lamb emails that he's headed to work at BuzzFeed, Jonah Peretti et al's project that identifies buzz-worthy items in the news and culture.) But in happier news, we hear that today tomorrow is ex-Voice culture mistress Joy Press's first day at the helm of the books and life sections (and God knows what else; perhaps she'll fill in for recent politics-discovering blogger Glenn Greenwald on occasion?). Welcome, Joy! Hope that safety-orange-colored life-vest they give you upon boarding the USS Salon matches your shoes.

Culture Wheel Spin: Joy Press To 'Salon'

abalk2 · 03/15/07 03:50PM

Futher departures at the Voice: culture editor and insanely Brooklyn-hip mom Joy Press is heading to Salon, where she'll fill the slot recently vacated by Hillary Frey, who left that site to take a similar job at The Observer after Suzy Hansen left to go to... Istanbul. Two things: First, it's got to suck to have suffered through the entirety of the Blum era (Press is actually a veteran of ten years) only to get a new job just when things look like they might be turning around. Also, there is now a vacancy at the Voice for a culture lady. We expect that a couple folks at the Sun are updating their resumes as we speak. Must be female to play!