Futher departures at the Voice: culture editor and insanely Brooklyn-hip mom Joy Press is heading to Salon, where she'll fill the slot recently vacated by Hillary Frey, who left that site to take a similar job at The Observer after Suzy Hansen left to go to... Istanbul. Two things: First, it's got to suck to have suffered through the entirety of the Blum era (Press is actually a veteran of ten years) only to get a new job just when things look like they might be turning around. Also, there is now a vacancy at the Voice for a culture lady. We expect that a couple folks at the Sun are updating their resumes as we speak. Must be female to play!

Earlier: There's A New Media Reporter In Town, Kids!
And: The Ultimate Hipster Parents Tell All
Update: Salon informs us that "Joy's not replacing Hillary Frey, who was our Books editor. She's culture editor, in charge of the Life and Books sections." So, you know, world of difference and all that.