
Peggy Noonan Consulteth Her Chauffeur About Matters Political 

Hamilton Nolan · 03/18/16 08:30AM

These times we live in—they are troubled, are they not? What hath the commoners wrought upon our noble republic, with this “Trump” whose gaudy habits offendeth the senses? Whose common voice shall explain to one and all the unknowable thoughts of the peasantry?

The New York Times Had an Awful Lot of Second Thoughts About Its Story on Bernie Sanders' Legislative Record

Brendan O'Connor · 03/15/16 07:06PM

The New York Times has quietly (and extensively) revised a history of Senator Bernie Sanders’ legislative accomplishments, initially published on Monday morning under the glowing headline, “Bernie Sanders Scored Victories for Years via Legislative Side Door,” which eventually became the far more reserved “Via Legislative Side Doors, Bernie Sanders Won Modest Victories” and, in print, the even more ambivalent “Sanders’s Roster of Modest Wins.”

Hamilton Nolan · 03/14/16 09:58AM

New York Times editorial page editor Andy Rosenthal is stepping down. He’ll be replaced by James Bennett, former editor of The Atlantic. This change in Establishment Opinionmongers will be so drastic that readers won’t notice a thing.

How Breitbart Protected Donald Trump by Hanging Michelle Fields Out to Dry

Gabrielle Bluestone · 03/11/16 02:51PM

Michelle Fields, a reporter for the archconservative news outlet Breitbart, was asking Donald Trump a question this past Tuesday when a man, identified by at least one eyewitness as Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, grabbed her arm hard enough to leave a bruise and pulled her forcefully away from the candidate. Since then, pro-Trump reporters, flacks and even Trump himself have attempted to discredit Fields, but the most egregious discrediting efforts have come from Breitbart itself—a cozy, pro-Trump outlet that began gaslighting its own employee almost immediately after the incident, and has not let up since.

All the Evidence Suggests the Trump Campaign Is Lying About Manhandling a Reporter

Gabrielle Bluestone · 03/10/16 05:21PM

On Tuesday, a conservative reporter accused a Trump campaign staffer of grabbing her arm so hard he left bruises, an allegation that appears to be borne out by photographic evidence. In response, the Trump campaign has been waging an obvious campaign to discredit her, insinuating she made the whole thing up and referring to her as an “attention-seeker” on Twitter—even though the staffer allegedly already admitted manhandling her.

San Francisco: Build More Housing, Assholes

Hamilton Nolan · 03/09/16 09:50AM

Another week is here, and with it, another story about the affluent, techie-infested caricature that San Francisco has become. Hey, assholes: step one to surviving this trying time is to build more fucking housing.

TechCrunch's Newest Writer Will Also Keep His Job in Tech Advertising

Sam Biddle · 03/08/16 02:25PM

Since its founding, TechCrunch has maintained (and enjoyed) a close relationship with the industry it covers. They’re rarely bothered by how this “looks,” as could be seen today, with their proud announcement that one of their new contributors will also continue to work for one of the largest technology companies in the world.

Ted Cruz, Please Help Us, We Have No Idea How to Stop Donald Trump

Sam Biddle · 03/07/16 11:38AM

Ted Cruz has a new theory: the American political media is in possession of “bombshell” stories about Donald Trump that could ruin him, but are choosing to not publish them for some reason. Ted, I’m here to tell you: we’ve got nothing, and we’re all really fucking freaked out about it.

Los Angeles Times Reporters Forced to Strongarm Oscars Tickets From Starfucking Bosses

Jordan Sargent · 03/01/16 02:17PM

There are two broad reasons why you might attend the Oscars. The first would be to enjoy the grand pageantry of the insanely rich and famous congratulating each other for completing the difficult but necessary act of making motion pictures. The second would be to do your job. Prior to this past Sunday’s ceremony, Los Angeles’ newspaper of record found itself being torn apart by these two distinct functions.

Fake Website Tricks Thousands Into Believing Elizabeth Warren Endorsed Bernie Sanders

J.K. Trotter · 03/01/16 11:10AM

Yesterday, thousands of Bernie Sanders’ supporters began sharing what appeared to be a straightforward New York Times article—which you can read here—about Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren’s decision to endorse Sanders for President of the United States. Attributed to Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns, both of whom are real Times reporters, the piece was written in convincing Times-ese, down to the headline (“Warren Endorses Sanders, Breaking With Colleagues”), lead sentence (“In a potentially decisive turn...”), and perfunctory quotes from the Sanders campaign and several disappointed Clinton surrogates. There were two major problems with the article, though: It wasn’t a real Times report, and Warren has not in fact endorsed Sanders.