In your fuckin' Friday media column: the 'Do Not Feed Carson Daly' sign is ignored, rumors (now confirmed) of Brandweek's disintegration, and reporters want money from everyone, including Warren Buffett:
Judith Warner reveals how the Obamas are making Washington cool—and hot—again! People even have dreams about Barack, apparently. Hope she takes on Michelle Obama's aura of competence—and hotness—next! [NYT]
If all you newspaper reporters don't stop Twittering every goddamn thing you see, Bill Keller is seriously going to lose his shit. Can you put down the iPhone so we can have a meeting here?
In your dire Thursday media column: Us Weekly starts a war, America refuses to watch gay broadcasters, "I.D." is the unluckiest magazine name, and North Korea will try the US reporters it snatched:
Fiction author and former Gawker intern James Frey knows a scandalous secret about Oprah, allegedly. It's on tape, allegedly! We journalistically went to Frey's book reading last night to hear him tell the whole story:
The White House press corps are a bunch of juvenile, ineducable little snots, which is why Press Secretary Robert Gibbs literally had to confiscate a cell phone today during today's press briefing.
Remember how NPR censored the review of the film Outrage because Larry Craig's sexuality is not as newsworthy as Queen Latifah's? They demand a correction of this story of their asinine behavior!
In your action-packed Wednesday media column: Paste Magazine's teetering, Thai newspapers are bloody, Jonah Goldberg whines foolishly, WSJ warns staffers about Twitter doom, and much more!
Maybe some NYT editors are not aware that one A.G. Sulzberger is only um their future boss, okay??????? Because they have him writing the most inane stories in the entire paper. Today: Bus cords.
Is mustachioed hybrid-hawker Thomas Friedman licking dog food remnants from discarded cans yet? Sadly no, but he must be getting close! First his rich wife's family business went bankrupt. Now he's lost $75K. Just yesterday!
In your countercultural Tuesday media column: Gay porn mags fold en masse, Chevron is evil as usual, Slate deems women capable of running their very own blog, and prison radio kicks ass:
The Philadelphia Inquirer is a bankrupt paper run by a greedy Republican flack. They're going to save themselves by hiring America's most unpopular and/ or idiotic Republicans as columnists:
Charlie's Angels star Farrah Fawcett is upset with her lack of privacy as she undergoes cancer treatment, reports ProPublica. Now, for cheap laffs, let's juxtapose that with ProPublica's mission statement:
In your modernist Monday media column: Print porn gets desperate, Metro leaves America, reporters now work in coffee shops, and your dumb college newspaper articles are all on your permanent record:
Could shady Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim become the New York Times Co.'s biggest shareholder in the next couple of years? Sure he could, easy! It all depends how greedy the (broke-ish) young Sulzberger kids are:
Iran is abruptly freeing Roxana Saberi, the freelance American-Iranian journalist who'd been sentenced to eight years in prison last month for spying. US government arm-twisting wins! So what about those other jailed journalists?