
F The Police

Hamilton Nolan · 06/19/09 12:57PM

In your scandalous Friday media column: a reporter has an affair with a police chief, another reporter's charged with assaulting an old man, Meredith is the new queen of magazines, and Reader's Digest increases its pap quotient.

You Don't Have a Right to Anonymity

John Cook · 06/16/09 01:00PM

A British court has ruled that the Times of London is free to unmask an anonymous British blogger, just ten days after the National Review caused and uproar by outing a left-wing blogger named Publius. This is a good thing.

Good Morning, Iran

Hamilton Nolan · 06/16/09 09:06AM

All of a sudden, thanks to Twitter and Bill Keller, Iran is like the biggest story of the year! What's the latest? Killings in the street, a president on the run, media in peril, and a Florida 2000 recount replay: