Greta Van Susteren Talking Out the Side of Her Neck
In your plastic Wednesday media column: Greta Van Susteren explains why she's a better friend to "poor African Americans" than Barack Obama is, along with newspaper news, TV news, and New York Post blowjob news.

Greta Van Susteren has heard just about enough of this complaining by US president Barack Obama about her TV show. He complains about it all the time. She hears. "I have been told that he does not like me or ON THE RECORD at 10pm or my network mainly because of our Reverend Wright coverage. I have two things to say about that: 1st, I bet I have as much if not more years working on the street with poor African Americans than the President does." Mmmm.

ABC News is asking Nielsen for an investigation after the ratings service recorded ABC's evening news broadcast's lowest ratings ever last Friday. That was the first day of the switch to digital TV, meaning all the olds who watch ABC News were too befuddled to make the teevee work, so they didn't watch, QED. What's the big woop?

A big ole' government project called "Chronicling America" has now posted one million newspaper pages on the internet. They hope to eventually post 20 million pages, which should happen well after newspapers are history.

The New York Post ran a "news" story today about their PR man, Howard Rubenstein, getting an award from his school. Come on. If the Post ran a blowjob story on every blowjob award somebody gave Howard Rubenstein, they'd scarcely have room for stories about actual blowjobs.