
China Learns the Yin and Yang of PR

Hamilton Nolan · 07/07/09 10:26AM

China's having some wee riots by a few troublesome dead-ender Uighurs. Hundreds are dead. The media always wants to "cover" things like this. China has a new media management strategy, though: savvy PR! The Uighurs have a counter-strategy: breaking shit.

Haha, 'The Ennuist'

Hamilton Nolan · 07/06/09 12:57PM

In your sunny(!) Monday media column: Macy's costs the newspaper industry $600 million, Vogue is dreadfully low-class, The Daily Beast speaks very well of a book, and here's the name of new thing to write for: 'The Ennuist.' Haha.

Where Is the Great American News City?

Hamilton Nolan · 07/01/09 04:28PM

Gambling, gangsters, celebrities, creeps—Las Vegas is "journalism heaven," says this guy. OH? We know a few cities that would dispute that. Newspapers may be dying, but news is alive and well. Where are America's Best Stories? Candidates below!

Where Were You When Vibe Died?

Hamilton Nolan · 07/01/09 01:17PM

In your emboldened Wednesday media column: More on the Spin layoffs, "Where were you when Vibe died?" stories begin, Froomkin's proud, Michael Wolff's unnecessarily loud, and newspapers are how(itzer)ed.

Let's Screw Up the Entire Internet to Save Newspapers

Hamilton Nolan · 07/01/09 12:09PM

The hot new idea among people who think about "journalism," and the sanctity thereof: let's ban linking, on the internet! Let's also ban wheels, in order to save the horse industry. Let's also ban talking about things!