On the morning the FBI arrested Rod Blagojevich, he was supposed to be doing a live exclusive interview with Matt Lauer. But Today canceled so Lauer could flack the "news" of Jay Leno's new 10 p.m. show on NBC.
Yesterday the New York Mets fired their VP of player development for being a psycho—then tried to insinuate that a Daily News beat writer sabotaged the guy in order to steal his job. Today the reporter responds: No, liar.
In a lesser town, Emmanuel "Ojo" Ojofeitimi would have been just another dude whose wife got angry at him for cheating and poured a cauldron of boiling water over his genitals while he slept. In New York, we have tabloids!
The New York Daily Newsbusted a Mets executive for repeatedly losing his temper, and today the Mets fired the guy. Case closed right? Except the Daily News reporter is being accused of making a play for the executive's job.
In your mockable Monday media column: Fox News needs sources for a follow up to their "Tin Foil Hats" scoop, Thrillist gets down, Carol Rosenberg's colleagues speak, Tom Shales is replaced, and we are all corporate tools.
Here's a twist on the classic "complain to a reporter's editor" school of aggressive media relations: a male Navy commander has filed a sexual harassment complaint against a female Miami Herald reporter. She called people "bitches!" And much more, allegedly.
Tina Brown's keeping plenty busy these days, both feeling out the pain of the hoi polloi - but especially of those old media people she intends on stomping out - while failing to slide her kid into Harvard with connections.
The nightly news loves stories about trannies. People think they're odd and don't understand them and don't want to talk to them. Just like old people! This story about a 77-year-old transgender woman is going to freak everyone out!
Katie Couric may be a little late to the "Alessandra Stanley screwed up Walter Cronkite's obit" party but she is officially its celebrity guest. Couric used her entire "notebook" column to school Stanley, and, boy, is it a doozy.
CNN president Jon Klein has had just about emotherfuckingnough of this "Birther" shit on his network. Klein sent out this email last night telling Lou Dobbs et al that "this story is dead."
In your finally Friday media column: The NYT looks ethically inconsistent and its management is mush-mouthed, Bruce Wasserstein contemplates buying BusinessWeek, and Fleet Street dies, unnoticed.
Twitter issued what sounded like veiled legal threats toward TechCrunch after the business blog published a internal company documents obtained by a hacker. Those threats are now significantly less veiled.
In your inexplicable Thursday media column: picturing the New York Times' printing presses, Porsche's CEO pays off old reporters, a 174-year-old newspaper folds, and Steve vs. Steve. Steve?
Things that would otherwise be boring are in fact not boring—and worthy of extended commentary by the New York Times—if they happen in The Hamptons. In The Hamptons, everything is consequential. In The Hamptons, they wear various t-shirts.
Did you ever get the sense that the people who run Politico are arrogant tools? Us too. Founders Jim VandeHei, John Harris, Robert Allbritton, and reporter Ben Smith were on Charlie Rose last night and they OWNED THE SEGMENT.
In your cackling Wednesday media column: Hoda Kotb describes her love of working with the mentally ill, Conde Nast's other McKinsey go-around, an intern is led astray by J-School demons, and Janice Min denies everything.
There are corrections and then there are Corrections, and error-prone New York Times mistaker Alessandra Stanley got corrected today. For the second time. For the same Walter Cronkite story. Cronkite was good, but he didn't "storm the beaches" on D-Day.
Oh, how the American media wishes that some sex perv had never secretly recorded a nude video of shapely ESPN reporter Erin Andrews! Then the media would not have been forced to discuss this disgusting spectacle. And make photo galleries!