The New York Daily News busted a Mets executive for repeatedly losing his temper, and today the Mets fired the guy. Case closed right? Except the Daily News reporter is being accused of making a play for the executive's job.

The Mets' general manager trashed the Daily News' coverage of its fired VP, saying reporter Adam Rubin had inquired about working in his department. Rubin has denied seeking a job — he said he was asking a general question about how someone might work for a major league team — but we expect to see more attacks like this. Many newspaper staff are, in fact, desperate to leave their profession, and unemployment remains high. So while this sort of extortion sounds far-fetched, it's just plausible enough to deploy as desperate flackery.

[NY Times]

(Pic: The fired executive, Tony Bernazard, right, with Mets owner Fred Wilpon. AP.)