
Some Habits Are Just Too Hard To Kick

Douglas Reinhardt · 04/15/08 02:00PM

Katherine Heigl struck a gangster lean as she lit up another cigarette on the set of her new movie. Despite numerous tearful outbursts from her emasculated rocker hubby Joshua Kelley and the support of her Grey's co star TR Knight, she has not been able to kick the filthy habit. As Heigl reached for the nearest pack of American Spirits, she explained to an extra that if TR couldn't get her to quit, then what's the point?

Katherine Heigl Doesn't Understand Why Any Guy, Gay Or Straight, Wouldn't Want Her

Molly Friedman · 04/04/08 12:50PM

Not only does Katherine Heigl lack the sensitivity gene when it comes to her marital bliss, but she's also missing a hefty dose of gaydar. Before her Grey's Anatomy co-star T.R. Knight was sweetly outed by since-fired Isaiah Washington, Katie apparently had a big ol' schoolgirl crush on him during the first season. And in standard Heigl fashion, she simply couldn't comprehend why T.R. wasn't showering her with affection after weeks of batting her lashes and sending out ostentatious signals. As The Sun quotes Katie:

Joshua, Your Mother Is Never Allowed To Buy Me Anything Again. Ever!

Douglas Reinhardt · 04/04/08 12:15PM

Katherine Heigl was spotted out and about in Los Angeles wearing a gift from hubby Josh Kelley's mother. Heigl may have been all smiles in front of the cameras, but once the newlyweds got into the SUV, it was a whole other story. Kelley was reported to have been seen crying at the corner of Wilshire and Santa Monica Blvd after a tongue-lashing about Katherine's desire to not be photographed wearing Joseph's Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.

What Are You Talking About? I'm Not Whipped, I'm A Rocker!

Douglas Reinhardt · 04/02/08 01:35PM

"Joshua" Kelley, the husband of Katherine Heigl, went out of his way to put an end to the rumors floating around The Internets that he's whipped. Kelley explained that rockers like him couldn't be whipped because, while on paper he might be married to Heigl, he's actually married the greatest woman of all time, music. "The last time I checked, polygamists aren't whipped," smirked Kelley. He then took a long swig from the water bottle under his arm, which didn't actually contain any water, but rather 20 ounces of Bacardi 151. Rockers!

Molly Friedman · 03/31/08 07:15PM

Katherine Heigl continues to ever so subtly remind her husband Josh "Call Me Joshua" Kelley that she does, and always will, wear the pants in their frightening relationship. This time, domestic issues are going beyond proving her social dominance or explaining on national television that their marriage would likely dissolve should they be forced to spend two consecutive weeks together. No, now Katie's moved on to the touchy topic of having Heiglets. And unsurprisingly, she plans on having them when she wants them, no matter how unready Joshua may be. As she puts it, "I think he'd prefer to wait a little more time, but I kind of wouldn't." [People]

Nothing Comes Between Katherine Heigl And Her Nicotine — Not Even A Little Burglary!

Mark Graham · 02/07/08 06:00PM

We'd like to begin this post by emphatically stating that getting your car broken into SUCKS. We have been there, it is awful, and we genuinely empathize with Katherine Heigl and her emasculated husband Joshua during this time of need. But, having gotten that out of the way, we'd like to point out a few of the more absurd things about this clip. First and foremost, we'll begin with TMZ's editorial decision to set up a clip about a car being burgled by using a scene from ... wait for it ... The Great Muppet Caper!

Katherine Heigl Brings Her Rousing 'Emasculation Of Joshua' Tour To Harpo Studios

Mark Graham · 02/01/08 09:11PM

Fresh off an exhilarating birthday bonanza and an electrifying stop on The Late Show with David Letterman, Katherine Heigl brought her nicotine-stained 27 Dresses promotional tour to the Oprah show earlier this afternoon. Being the consummate pro that she is, she did NOT let the opportunity slip through her fingers to knock her new husband Josh "Call Me Joshua" Kelley down a few pegs.