
Facebook privacy mouthpiece dodges tough questions with conviction

Nicholas Carlson · 11/15/07 01:00PM

Ready for details on what Facebook is doing to prevent its employees from abusing access to user information? Too bad. All that Facebook blogger Nick O'Neill got out of Chris Kelly, chief privacy mouthpiece for Facebook, was that, "Facebook takes privacy very seriously." O'Neill buys it, citing Kelly's conviction. We don't. We already know it's in Facebook's interest to tell press it takes privacy seriously. And we're still hearing too many sources tell us Facebook employees abuse their privileges. And there's one case in particular where Facebook's lack of action speaks louder than Kelly's words.

Googlers are still richer than you, but Facebookers sneer

Megan McCarthy · 11/12/07 08:00PM

Another day, another story about how early employees at Google are richer than you'll ever be. Meet Bonnie Brown, Google's first masseuse, hired in 1999 for $450 a week and a "pile of Google stock options." Retired after five years of getting hands-on with engineers, she now spends her days with her private Pilates instructor, traveling for her charitable organization and watching her pile of money grow to absurd heights. And she looks so smug and happy in that picture, doesn't she?

Stanford undergrad accused of meddling with Facebook profile

Nicholas Carlson · 10/29/07 02:16PM

A tipster has written in to name Facebook programmer Jordan Moncharmont as the employee who allegedly looked up a user's password, logged into her account, and changed her profile picture to a graphic image. The story goes that one of Moncharmont's friends put him up to the deed because the victim, some years ago, had rejected this friend's invitation to the prom. We have no evidence to back this accusation. Our tipster, however, writes that the victim is certain Moncharmont was the meddler. Why?