
Remainders: Will the Fake Slim Shady Please Sit Down

gdelahaye · 08/29/06 05:00PM

• Eminem in whiteface. Someone, somewhere, is rolling in some grave, or something. [DealBreaker]
TIME reporter claims magazine didn't touch Karr story. Claim eerily matches reality of Karr claim he touched JonBenet Ramsey. YEAH, WE'RE STILL DOING THIS. [Think Progress]
Wired reviews Pitchfork Media. Gives it a 7.030032. Basically good, but a little bit derivative of [obscure reference], like some kind of [overwrought metaphor that doesn't actually make sense when you think about it for even two seconds]. [Wired]
• A CNN reporter has a private conversation in the bathroom while wearing a hot mic during President Bush's memorial Hurricane Katrina address. Embarrassing? Yes. Was anyone watching President Bush's memorial Hurricane Katrina address? No. [Wonkette]
•: Important Update on Bravest Actress of All Time: Natalie Portman is definitely doing something courageous, coyly seductive, and thoroughly Jewish, we're just not sure where. [One Park Avenue Reality]
• Maybe forcing millions of drunk people to interact in the same small corner at the edge of the city wasn't such a good idea after all. [VV]
• Union Square still has street cred. Where else can you enjoy Thai chili lime peanuts, free Ben & Jerry's milkshakes, and heroin? [ANIMAL]

Murder of Child Results in Delightfully Whimsical Comic Strip

abalk2 · 08/29/06 08:50AM

Like so many of you, we're still absorbing the news that an obvious nutbag with delusions of kiddie-killing grandeur may not have been ultimately reliable. However, we've received a cartoon from our good friend Jim Behrle, which sort of cushions the blow. And if you think about it, we've still got this case to kick around for another couple years at minimum. We prefer to see the glass as half-full of the blood of an innocent child whose shocking rape/murder raised issues of class, privilege, and exploitation that America briefly considered and then forgot about because, you know, there was a new "X Files" on. Anyway, here's the cartoon:

Tensions Simmer on Front Lines of JonBenet Coverage

Chris Mohney · 08/21/06 12:30PM

"The waiting. Oftentimes, it's the hardest thing a journalist endures." Well, except for maybe getting kidnapped by masked gunmen, but that doesn't stop NBC producer Gene Choo from blogging all gritty and tortured — well, maybe "tortured" is too strong a word — while sitting around in Boulder on the JonBenet Ramsey beat: