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"The waiting. Oftentimes, it's the hardest thing a journalist endures." Well, except for maybe getting kidnapped by masked gunmen, but that doesn't stop NBC producer Gene Choo from blogging all gritty and tortured — well, maybe "tortured" is too strong a word — while sitting around in Boulder on the JonBenet Ramsey beat:

It's the waiting. Waiting for word — word of Karr getting on a plane from Thailand. Word about any long lost friends who may have received e-mails or gotten taped conversations from Karr. [...] Do we have a good satellite connection? Where are we going to get food? Pizza — well, do they deliver and take credit cards? Bathroom — either smile your way into the Justice Center or use one of the port-a-potties which don't stink too badly yet. And the weather — seems to alternate between steaming hot and rainy cold. And all the while we wait. Maybe I can get some sleep tonight.

Cue voiceover from Apocalypse Now? "Every minute I stay in this production trailer, I get softer; every minute Billy Bush squats in the studio at Access Hollywood, he gets stronger."

Waiting in Boulder [Daily Nightly]