
Sun exec loves the kinder, gentler touch of the Ponytail CEO

Nick Douglas · 07/19/06 01:19PM

At the end of an interview, Forbes asked Sun CIO Bill Vass (pictured here on High School Portrait Day) how new CEO Jon Schwartz is different than his predecessor Scott McNealy. He answered — in Valleyspeak, natch. Let's dissect.

Questions that no one asked at Supernova

Nick Douglas · 06/22/06 03:39PM

There's an ulterior motive to opening an official backchannel at a tech conference. It pulls all the dissenters into a virtual room, where they disseminate their snide remarks safely away from the real discussion.

Jon Schwartz at Supernova: Liveblogging the ponytail

Nick Douglas · 06/22/06 11:56AM

Sun Micrososystems interim-but-doesn't-know-it-yet CEO Jon Schwartz kicks off the Thursday talks at the Supernova 2006 conference. He opens with a little speech about Moore's Law as it applies to Sun's data center innovations (and clogging the conference wifi by streaming the World Cup).

Jon Schwartz is a Noe poser

ndouglas · 04/26/06 01:14PM

While Jon Schwartz is going all "Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got," he's redefining "the edge of the Mission District." Big-time tech writer John Markoff named the edgy San Fran hood as Schwartz's stompin' grounds in his glowing NY Times profile. But a local journalist says Schwartz lives (on a hill!) in Noe Valley, the decidedly classy — but oh so conventional — home of yuppies and stroller-pushers. Hey, it's not a palace in Atherton, but it ain't a flat above a taqueria.

Sun's Jon Schwartz wants to be indie

ndouglas · 04/26/06 09:21AM

Freshly minted Sun CEO Jonathan Schwartz tells NY Times writer John Markoff, "I belong to a club that exists around the world that says progress is made by the unconventional. And that is reflected in many things, whether it's where I choose to live or the company I work for..." Whoa, Jon, really? Sun Microsystems? Pretty indie there, dude. Pretty wild and new.