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Unroll your conspiracy theory maps and pull out your markers — here are the Valley bigwigs who met with Tony Blair during the UK Prime Minister's recent visit to Silicon Valley, culled from the SF Chronicle and Mercury News.

  • Steve Jobs, Apple CEO
  • John Chambers, Cisco president and CEO
  • Mark Hurd, Hewlett-Packard prez and CEO
  • Hector Ruiz, Advanced Micro Devices chairman and CEO
  • Jonathan "Does this ponytail make me look edgy" Schwartz, Sun Microsystems prez and CEO
  • Vint "I really invented the Internet" Cerf, Google VP
  • Gavin Newsom, San Francisco mayor
  • A robot

British prime minister visits with execs in Silicon Valley [Mercury News]
Blair visits Delancey Street cafe, world events a phone call away [SF Chronicle]
Photo: Jobs, Chambers, and Blair try to bite each other at once