
VMware cofounder Diane Greene

Nicholas Carlson · 08/12/08 09:00AM

Diane Greene: Her only mistake was working for another tyrant Reports the Register:

Employees loved canned VMware cofounder more than overlord EMC's CEO

Nicholas Carlson · 07/10/08 12:00PM

Despite a fiery temper and fearsome presence in meetings, departed VMware cofounder Diane Greene isn't leaving the company with very many enemies. On workplace review site, employees gave Greene an 84 percent rating — better than the 72 percent VMware parent company EMC's worker bees gave their CEO Joe Tucci. In the section labeled, " Advice to Senior Management," one current employee, a senior systems engineer, wrote: “Listen to Diane.” Another lists VMware's "pros":

Was EMC's CEO jealous of ousted VMware founder?

Nicholas Carlson · 07/09/08 11:20AM

Why would VMware push out cofounder Diane Greene — heretofore remarkably successful — at the software company's very first sign of trouble? It's not like Microsoft's entry into VMware's market, which helped knock down VMware's high-flying stock, was unexpected. One theory: Joe Tucci, the CEO of EMC, which owns 86 percent of VMware, holds a personal grudge against Greene and took the opportunity push his rival out.

Tech's 10 worst-rated CEOs, according to their employees

Nicholas Carlson · 06/12/08 10:00AM

Click to viewBenchmark-backed popped out of stealth mode as a site that lets users find out what employees think of their employers. As a part of the ratings, company CEO's get a grade. Some, such as Cisco's John T. Chambers and Apple's Steve Jobs fared very well — coming away with 93 percent and 95 percent approval ratings. Others, including Microsoft's Steve Ballmer and Yahoo CEO Jerry Yang, did not. The ten worst-rated CEO's and what employees told Glassdoor they think about them, below.

EMC reports sales up, but customers dragging heels

Owen Thomas · 04/23/08 03:20PM

Storage is a predictable need; have you ever heard anyone say they need less of it? That has long been EMC's pitch to Wall Street — that demand for its storage hardware and software is ever reliable. The earnings news from the company is mixed: Customers are still buying, with revenues up 17 percent to $3.5 billion, but buyers in the U.S. are taking longer to make up their minds and sign purchase orders. Rational caution, or a sign of trouble ahead? EMC CEO Joe Tucci, in a conference call, acknowledged that the environment was "tough," but stood by his earlier forecasts. If EMC's customers continue their delaying tactics, they may prove Tucci overconfident. At some point, his salespeople will bow on price to seal deals and make their quotas. Storage may be a necessity, but EMC's profit margins, which rose to 15.8 percent in the quarter, are not.

Did Dell Hire JibJab to Handle Advertising?

rabruzzo · 10/25/06 11:07AM

Dell's Michael Dell, EMC's Joe Tucci, Oracle's Larry Ellison, AMD's Hector Ruiz and Intel's Paul Otellini, drunk on power and hubris made the most upsetting corporate ad I seen to date. Even the poor Linux penguin is debased in this flick, but Larry jumping out in gold armor is priceless.