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Despite a fiery temper and fearsome presence in meetings, departed VMware cofounder Diane Greene isn't leaving the company with very many enemies. On workplace review site, employees gave Greene an 84 percent rating — better than the 72 percent VMware parent company EMC's worker bees gave their CEO Joe Tucci. In the section labeled, " Advice to Senior Management," one current employee, a senior systems engineer, wrote: “Listen to Diane.” Another lists VMware's "pros":

Very fair with compensation and one gets the feeling the core founders (Diane, Mendel, etc) really care about people working in a good and healthy environment.

Tucci's Glassdoor approval rating has improved from the 44 percent level which qualified him for our list of tech's 10 worst rated CEOs. Does anyone smell an astroturfing campaign? Even with the suspiciously speedy improvement, Tucci enjoyes far less support from his reviewers. One headlines a review: “Joe Tucci knows what stockholders want to hear and uses that to maximize HIS compensation.” Another, among the more positive reviews, hardly helps Tucci's cause:

Joe Tucci has done a good job of leading the company through some tough times, but is he an innovator or visionary like Gates, Jobs, or even Larry Ellison? Maybe that's what is needed to boost the company's profile - and stock price.