
Joan Rivers Not Above Internet Hook-Ups

Seth Abramovitch · 03/09/06 02:18PM

Joan Rivers can strike terror in the hearts of even the heartiest and best-traveled of red carpet footsloggers. Beyond her vicious barbs, her grasp on industry facts is iffy at best (she once greeted Ron Howard and Brian Grazer with a cordial, Names! ), and then there s the small matter of her face a fiberglass death-mask, polished by workers to a high sheen before every TV Guide channel awards show appearance.

Today on Today: Insensitivity Is Always in Style

Jessica · 09/19/05 09:35AM

It figures that the most fantastic moment (ever?) on the Today show would come from red-carpet hellion Joan Rivers, who kindly delivered her post-Emmy fashion wrap-up with daughter Melissa. Speaking live from Los Angeles, Rivers noted, "We're all trying to forget Hurricane Katrina, and Patricia Arquette looks like she did her hair in it."

Gossip roundup

Gawker · 03/21/03 11:49AM

· Jaws star Roy Scheider participated in a Hamptons peace protest the other day by lying down in the middle of Montauk Highway pretending to be a casualty of war. [Page Six]
· A dog recently took a suicidal running leap off the roof of P. Diddy's West Village town house. [Ed. notesomeone must have been playing his last album.] [Page Six]
· Joan Rivers, on her revised Oscar plans: "First, I called Arnold Scaasi to maybe rethink the gold gown I'm supposedly wearing. Second, I'm redoing the jokes. They must be timely, a war-time theme. Like one I just wrote is, 'I'm going to start stockpiling Botox.' And another where I beat up the goddamn French. I'll say, 'All they ever did for us was give us the Statue of Liberty and even that's turning green." [Cindy Adams]
· Wednesday was Harvey Weinstein's 51st birthday. CNBC's Maria Bartiromo's stalker was sentenced yesterday after he called her from jail in September of 2001. [NY Daily News]