
Is Craigslist worth $5 billion?

Owen Thomas · 04/03/08 05:40PM

Disgraced stock analyst Henry Blodget pauses to dream up a fantasy valuation for Craigslist, and comes up with $5 billion. The numbers he relies on are faulty, starting with Craigslist's revenues. Blodget relies on a recent report by Classified Intelligence, which pegs its revenues for 2008 at an estimated $81 million. That's extremely low; insiders tell me the real figure for last year was in the range of $100 million to $150 million.

Unofficial Craigslist blogger threatened with shutdown by Craigslist

Jackson West · 04/03/08 04:00PM

Starbucks has an unofficial blog, as do Apple, Google. But Craigslist has not had a blog, unofficial or otherwise (unless you count Craig Newmark's thoughts on national politics). That changed last month when Tim White launched the unofficial Craigslist Blog. Now White's blog has been countered with an official one, written by CEO Jim Buckmaster. Between posts, Buckmaster decided to threaten a lawsuit. Chilling Effects suggests Tim White, the blogger behind the unofficial site, might have a case for saving his site's domain name. Buckmaster's letter, and White's feisty response, after the jump:

Craigslist CEO not a pimp, just enormously helpful to prostitutes

Melissa Gira Grant · 03/31/08 05:40PM

Connecticut attorney general Richard Blumenthal has demanded Craigslist remove all erotic services ads. But that's not what got CEO Jim Buckmaster mad. Blumenthal also accused the site of making a "profit from prostitution." Buckmaster's response: The Yellow Pages and alt-weekly newspapers receive revenues from adult advertisements, not his company, and that "100% of our revenue comes from paid job listings and broker apartment rental listings."

Has Craig Newmark quit Craigslist?

Owen Thomas · 08/23/07 03:29PM

A fascinating tidbit buried in a story about Atlanta mayor Shirley Franklin's allegations of child prostitution on Craigslist: Susan MacTavish Best, Craigslist spokeswoman and girlfriend of CEO Jim Buckmaster, claims that Craig Newmark "is no longer involved in the company's daily affairs," according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. And indeed, Newmark, the company's founder, though he was listed on the Craigslist management page a week ago, no longer appears there. Newmark has certainly made enough money, thanks to a 2004 stock purchase by eBay, to retire on. And his "team bio," still online, notes that he's "embarrassed" that the site is named after him. But for the geeks who still idolize him, the idea of a Craigslist without Craig would be hard to bear. Update: We heard from Newmark. His comments, after the jump.

Craig Newmark, filthy rich on eBay's millions

Owen Thomas · 07/26/07 05:18PM

Everything you know about Craig Newmark is wrong. The tale that Craigslist's founder and CEO Jim Buckmaster like to tell about how eBay got a stake in their company goes like this: Newmark, the clueless business naif, issued shares to an employee, never thinking they'd be cashed in. That employee turned around and sold the shares right under Newmark's nose to rapacious auctions giant eBay back in 2004. It's a good story. But it's nothing like the truth, according to sources close to the transaction. And the truth? That Newmark and Buckmaster, who love to portray themselves as unpretentious types who care nothing for money, can be bought. For a mere $16 million.

Megan McCarthy · 07/25/07 06:26PM

Craigslist CEO Jim Buckmaster, in a fantastic Q&A with Fortune readers, reveals that he's just as quirky as the site he helms. In his off time, he vacations on an organic farm "with friends and an ostrich named Huey." Also, he doesn't predict an exit for the privately financed listing site, instead predicting that they "will go quietly when the nanobots are ready to assume control." [Fortune]

Valleywag Hotties champion: Ben Trott, so hott

ndouglas · 02/17/06 08:09PM

The final face-off is over. Ben Trott trounced Jim Buckmaster (76.3% to 23.7%) to claim the Valleywag Hotties championship. The Six Apart co-founder was swept to victory by an adoring army of Livejournal users (and by being hot as hell). Craigslist CEO Buckmaster has gracefully conceded. I, for one, welcome our new Trott overlord.

Valleywag Hotties semi-finals: George Zachary vs. Jim Buckmaster

ndouglas · 02/16/06 04:20PM

Competition's getting FIERCE. George Zachary's loved ones shipped in a new, hotter photo of the VC. Meanwhile, Jim Buckmaster's PR wrangler special-delivered a new shot of the Craigslist CEO in the wild. In this round, hearts will be broken.

Valleywag Hotties: Quarterfinals results

ndouglas · 02/16/06 11:33AM

In a round of clear winners, one race went turtleneck-and-turtleneck. Craigslist CEO Jim Buckmaster managed to topple the Master of Cool, Steve Jobs, thanks to a fierce campaign by Craigslist customer service rep (and founder) Craig Newmark.

Valleywag hotties: Steve Jobs vs. Jim Buckmaster

ndouglas · 02/15/06 07:28PM

You picked Pope Steve over His Holy Larryness, Listmaster Jim over Shiny Czar Jon. Now the Apple CEO and Craigslist CEO go head-to-head, black-turtleneck-to-black-turtleneck. Who's earned your love (or your unbridled lust)?

Goldblum and Alexander are Jim and Craig

ndouglas · 02/15/06 03:26PM

While we're picking stars to play the Valleywag hotties, check out this photo of Craigslist founder Craig Newmark and hunky CEO Jim Buckmaster:

Valleywag hotties: black turtleneck round

ndouglas · 02/14/06 05:59PM

Jonathan Ive is Jobs' style guy. The industrial designer keeps it beautiful by keeping it simple. So does Jim Buckmaster, the Craigslist CEO who keeps the classifieds unadorned.