Valleywag Hotties: Quarterfinals results

In a round of clear winners, one race went turtleneck-and-turtleneck. Craigslist CEO Jim Buckmaster managed to topple the Master of Cool, Steve Jobs, thanks to a fierce campaign by Craigslist customer service rep (and founder) Craig Newmark.
The results:
George Zachary (67.9%) buys more love with his money than George Boutros (31.9%).
Jim Buckmaster (51.3%) de-lists Steve Jobs (48.7%).
Ben Trott (67.5%) blogs circles around Max Levchin (32.5%).
Jeff Weiner (55.4%) rocks the Photoshop to out-bare-chest Sergey Brin (44.6%).
Stat porn after the jump.
Part of: Valleywag Hotties [Valleywag]
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