
Scoring Sunday's Nuptials: Hair Comes the Bride, All Tressed in White

Phyllis Nefler · 07/18/10 06:51PM

Fearless Gawker wedding correspondent Phyllis Nefler is braving the heat this weekend as well as the picture-perfect pairings featured in the vaunted pages of the New York Times Weddings section. Come along, but beware: Trinity, teachers, and Maine: oh my!

Match the Reality Star to Their Fake Tan

Brian Moylan · 07/15/10 03:38PM

It's summer. Aside from oil spills, ranting celebrities, and imprisoned starlets, there's not much going on. Divert yourself with this game wherein we ask you to match the reality star to their fake tan. What else you got to do?

Why Is Facebook So Damn White?

Adrian Chen · 07/14/10 08:42PM

Everyone knows that white people love Facebook and hate MySpace. But why? In a sure-to-be-controversial new essay, a famous internet sociologist says it's a lot like white flight.

Where Do You Go to Get Angry?

Richard Lawson · 07/14/10 11:32AM

After reading the news that Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston are getting back together to live in wedded conservative bliss, I immediately went to to read the joyful comments and get angry. Why do I do this to myself?

Barack Obama Discusses Malia's Growth Spurt

Maureen O'Connor · 07/09/10 10:01AM

Speaking at a Kansas City fundraiser, President Obama discussed his 12-year-old daughter Malia's growth spurt ("even though she's 5'9" she's still my baby") and how he's relieved she still needs braces so she "looks like a kid" a little longer.

All the Terrible Things Mel Gibson Has Said on the Record

Maureen O'Connor · 07/08/10 04:44PM

Mel Gibson allegedly ranted against "wetbacks" on tape. Previous tirades include the N-word and anti-Semitism. Wouldn't it be nice if you could read every terrible thing Gibson has said, all in one place? Look no further. Updated with more quotes!

Let's Put Jake & Vienna In Jail and Never Let Them Out

Richard Lawson · 07/06/10 01:29PM

Did you watch the big Bachelor blowdown that aired during the The Bachelorette last night? Bitter exes Jake Pavelka and Vienna Sausages sat on a Loveseat of Awkwardness and dished about their nasty breakup. It was horrible.

Scoring Sunday's Nuptials: The Hamptons Are So Not Nice This Time of Year

Phyllis Nefler · 07/04/10 12:30PM

Phyllis Nefler, Gawker's tireless weddings correspondent, is currently on vacation in East Hampton, New York. But she took some time off from yelling at the help and burning through paperbacks to annotate this week's New York Times weddings announcements. Cheers!