
Fat Men Are Better in Bed

Maureen O'Connor · 09/08/10 03:53PM

After a year-long study of male sexual performance, researchers have found that men with higher body mass indices last seven minutes longer than their slender counterparts. The decidedly unsexy reason: Fat men have more female hormones.

Behold the $1,555 iPad Case

Ryan Tate · 09/07/10 12:44PM

Carrying an iPad around might make people think you're a trend-chasing spendthrift. So why not buy an $800 or $1500 iPad case from Chanel or Yves Saint Laurent — and prove it?

How to Sell Jell-O Shots to Drunk Guys

Max Read · 09/03/10 03:05AM

You have probably been thinking to yourself lately: "What are the best practices for selling Jell-O shots to drunk young men at bars?" What a coincidence! Because The Wall Street Journal can tell you exactly that.

Study: Ladies Spread Babies Like Rabies

Hamilton Nolan · 09/02/10 11:00AM

Ladies: Have you been "bitten" by the "baby bug?" If so, blame those bitches at your work, for messing with your mind. A new study says that women are helplessly influenced by that baby-having of their social betters.

The Craziest Reality TV Pitch You'll Hear This Week

Brian Moylan · 09/01/10 02:26PM

A young go-getter emailed the heads of most major TV networks yesterday with a pitch for a new reality show. It's about his "cool as hell" friend who's stringing along four guys and should be super-famous. Below: the insane email.

Employee Found Dead at American Apparel HQ

Sergio Hernandez · 09/01/10 10:37AM

American Apparel just can't catch a break. An employee was found dead at the company's downtown Los Angeles headquarters yesterday, adding yet another misfortune to the clothing retailer's ever-growing list of public relations woes.

Take a Tour of TV Landmarks With Google Street View

John Siegel · 08/31/10 11:22AM

In today's harsh economy, people are cutting back on vacations and sightseeing. Luckily, with the internet, you can see all of your favorite TV sights using Google Street View. Here are some favorites from classic sitcoms to animated shows.

Meghan McCain Finally Gives Her Opinion of Sarah Palin

Jim Newell · 08/31/10 10:52AM

Meghan McCain's book about her father's 2008 presidential campaign, Dirty Sexy Politics, comes out today. Have you finished it yet? If not, here's a primer based on her Good Morning America appearance today: She has mixed feelings about Sarah Palin!