
What Movie Scenes Are Too Gross for You to Watch?

Brian Moylan · 11/08/10 01:06PM

Yesterday I saw 127 Hours, a movie supposedly about James Franco cutting off his arm. I wouldn't know, though, since I couldn't watch a second of the amputation action. What things are too nasty for you to see on screen?

Is This the Most Amazing Solve in Wheel of Fortune History?

Matt Cherette · 11/07/10 10:08PM

On Friday's Wheel of Fortune, something crazy happened. You see, a woman named Caitlin solved a seven-word, 27-letter puzzle with only one letter filled in, stunning Pat Sajak (and everyone else in the studio). Watch the unlikely feat inside.

What's Opening in Theaters Today

Richard Lawson · 11/05/10 04:40PM

You probably owe someone an overDue Date to the movies. This weekend there are movies For Colored Girls and anyone else! But you don't have 127 Hours for all of them, so use that Megamind of yours and pick one!

Tina Fey Resurrects Her Sarah Palin Impersonation on the Late Show

Matt Cherette · 11/04/10 12:10PM

Yesterday, Tina Fey stopped by the Late Show for a chat with David Letterman. When the topic switched to Sarah Palin, Fey confessed that she barely remembered how to do her famed impersonation before busting it out one last time.

Welcome to the Next Two Years of GOP Investigations

John Cook · 11/03/10 03:04PM

The GOP won its very own House! Now's the part where they throw their shit all over the walls. Here are the criminal enterprises, like science and community organizers, that the GOP will use its newfound subpoena power to crush.

Live Coverage: Election Night 2010

Jim Newell · 11/02/10 07:13PM

The reign of Barack Obama ends tonight! What? Oh, it's just Congress and governors and stuff. Let's keep liveblogging. Republicans have already won the House, but can they take the Senate? An unemployed nation waits.

Miracle Baby Falls Six Stories, Survives

Maureen O'Connor · 11/02/10 04:48PM

A Parisian baby fell out the window of her parent's apartment, plummeted six floors, bounced off an awning, then landed in the hands of a doctor who happened to be walking by. He checked her out. She is now fine.

Jersey Shore's Hypocritical "It Gets Better" PSA

Matt Toder · 11/02/10 02:20PM

Vinny from MTV's Jersey Shore has had with all the bullying and hate speech so he's teaming up with MTV and Facebook. Too bad his show completely exemplifies that behavior. How completely? See for yourself.

Suze Orman's "It Gets Better" Video: "Look at Me Now"

Matt Cherette · 11/02/10 01:56PM

"I am proud that I am a lesbian," says Suze Orman in this new video for the "It Gets Better" campaign. Orman's video is part personal story, part inspiration, and all sorts of fabulous. Bullies, you are denied! Watch inside.

The Most Covered Candidates of 2010

Jim Newell · 11/02/10 12:49PM

The Pew Center has released its tally of the most nationally covered candidates this election season, and guess who's No. 1? Some gal from Delaware who has magical powers. Maybe she used these powers to top this list?

Gossip Girl: The Slowest Sex

Richard Lawson · 11/02/10 12:18PM

Last night's episode of everyone's favorite mystery series was so full of scheming and plotting and double-crossing and other shenanigans that it nearly gave one whiplash. Slow down, Gossip Girl! You move too fast for our feeble minds.