
Why Are All Our College Kids Going Crazy?

Hamilton Nolan · 12/20/10 11:54AM

Over the past decade, the percentage of college students visiting school counseling centers who are "coping with serious mental illness" has more than doubled. What's happening here? Better legal psychiatric drugs? Worse illegal hallucinogenic drugs? Psht. We blame Wal-Mart.

Here's a Two-Minute Encapsulation of Sarah Palin's Utter Delusion

Matt Cherette · 12/20/10 12:19AM

Here's a clip from tonight's Sarah Palin's Alaska. Watch as Palin condescendingly pretends to be domestic, insults Michelle Obama, dances around the issue of daughter Willow's boyfriend, and defends giving her children lots of freedom—all in two minutes!

Senate Republicans Suck

Jim Newell · 12/17/10 06:01PM

It was Sen. Bob Corker's turn to take hostages today with this latest "threat": If Democrats bring the "Don't Ask Don't Tell" repeal and DREAM Act to votes tomorrow, as expected, then Republicans may kill the START treaty. Huh?

What's Opening in Theaters Today

Richard Lawson · 12/17/10 04:56PM

The holiday movie season continues apace as we grow ever closer to the big year-end Christmas Day debuts. This Friday we have Reese Witherspoon figuring things out, Jeff Bridges stuck inside a computer, and Nicole Kidman feeling sad.

The Transformation of a Jersey Girl

Brian Moylan · 12/16/10 05:58PM

Jersey Shore brawler JWOWW is best known for beating the crap out of people and wearing clothing that even hookers would find offensive. She appeared at an event last night looking gorgeous and chic. What a disappointment!

Blogging Has Peaked

Hamilton Nolan · 12/16/10 12:58PM

The internet is so popular these days! A big new survey shows that people of all ages are emailing, searching, shopping, banking, and browsing news and information online more than ever. What they aren't doing more is blogging.

The Most Memorable Daily Show Segments from 2010

Richard Blakeley · 12/16/10 12:00PM

Tonight marks the end of new Daily Show episodes until January. Here's a look back at the year's most memorable commentary from Jon Stewart on everything from Fox News, to Glenn Beck, to Barack Obama, to Steve Jobs... even Chatroulette!

The Daily Beast Has Stopped Editing Meghan McCain

John Cook · 12/16/10 10:53AM

Meghan McCain is the illiterate daughter of a ruined man, which makes her "column" for the Daily Beast something of a challenge for her editors. But by the looks of today's offering, they've given up.

Tajazzle, the Stupidest Product (and Informercial) Ever

Max Read · 12/16/10 03:10AM

Attention, ladies: Feeling insecure about... you-know-what?You might want to watch this infomercial for "Tajazzle" a three-step system to help you "Stay Dry And Smell Fresh Where It Gets Hot." Dry and "fresh"-smelling! Just the way men like it. [via]

The 10 Most Annoying Christmas Songs

Brian Moylan · 12/15/10 03:19PM

Christmas carols can be beautiful reminders of one of the most exciting times of the year. They can also be horrible scourges that make you want to poke sharp objects in your ears. Here are some of the worst offenders.

A Field Guide to Wikileaks and Its Adversaries

John Cook · 12/14/10 04:32PM

In case you haven't noticed, a pasty fugitive hacker has been at war with the U.S. government for the past few weeks while his minions use the net to attack global corporations. So what's all the fuss about?

Playboy TV Thinks Brooklyn Is Full of Nymphomaniacs

Brian Moylan · 12/14/10 04:01PM

Playboy TV, the fuzzy obsession of every teenage male, is trying to rebrand and find new audiences with programming that will appeal to couples. Their newest reality show Brooklyn Kind of Love is just as befuddling as you'd imagine.