
Daily Caller Discovers Jewish Summer Camp

Max Read · 07/19/12 10:17AM

Despite Richard Nixon's efforts to remove all Jews from the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 1971, President Obama is now attempting to nominate a known Jew to head the agency. And not just any Jew: Erica Groshen sent her children to "a politically left-wing Jewish summer camp with Communist roots." Will he succeed? Not if the Daily Caller's Matthew Boyle has anything to do with it.

New Hampshire Town Divided Over Renaming of 'Jew Pond'

Emma Carmichael · 03/13/12 09:38AM

There is a very rural New England debate raging in the small town of Mont Vernon, N.H. (pop. 2,400), this week, as residents prepare to vote over whether or not to change the name of a local, manmade body of water named "Jew Pond."

Mormon Church to Members: Quit Baptizing Dead Jews

Louis Peitzman · 03/03/12 10:36AM

Researcher and ex-Mormon Helen Radkey raised some eyebrows when she reported that a Mormon temple in Idaho had baptized deceased Jewish reporter Daniel Pearl. But it doesn't stop there. Radkey also discovered posthumous baptisms of Anne Frank and Holocaust survivor Simon Wiesenthal's family. Needless to say, the Jewish community isn't thrilled, and the Mormon higher-ups have been forced to take action. (Read: they sent out a letter.)

Proxy Baptism of the Day: Daniel Pearl

Caity Weaver · 03/01/12 09:33PM

The Boston Globe has reported that last year members of the Mormon Church posthumously baptized Daniel Pearl, the Wall Street Journal reporter captured and killed in Pakistan in 2002, allegedly by 9/11 plotter Khalid Sheik Mohammed.

Israel Warns Jews That America Will Turn Their Kids Into Christmas-Lovers

Jim Newell · 11/30/11 04:04PM

The conservative Israeli government is pretty convinced at this point that the greatest threat to the Diaspora is not necessarily from Iran so much as it is from lazy American Jews, who have no discipline and are always spreading around liberal nonsense like "maybe we should try to make nice with the Palestinians" and so on. It has now gone so far as to create ads showing what terrors will befall Israelis who raise their children in America: Specifically, that their kids will end up celebrating Christmas!

Ed Koch Changes Mind, Decides That Obama Doesn't Hate Jews

Jim Newell · 09/27/11 02:35PM

Former New York City Mayor Ed Koch recently endorsed Republican Bob Turner in the special election for Anthony Weiner's old congressional seat, helping him pull off the upset against Democrat Dave Weprin. Koch, who supported Obama in 2008, wanted to punish the Democratic party over "President Obama's open hostility to the State of Israel." But that was all a few weeks ago! He's now changed his mind and endorsed Obama, after being invited to a fancy party.