
Anderson Cooper Sucks at Jeopardy!

Matt Cherette · 03/19/10 12:25AM

Tonight brought us another edition of celebrity Jeopardy!, with Cheech Marin, Aisha Tyler, and the Silver Fox himself, Anderson Cooper. Well, Cooper kind of sucked. Actually, he really sucked. Are CNN anchors incapable of playing Jeopardy! well? Inside, video highlights.

The Blind Leading the Stupid on Tonight's Jeopardy!

Matt Cherette · 01/07/10 09:10PM

Do you know the difference between being completely blind and being legally blind when not wearing glasses? Good. You know who doesn't? Lysette Tidwell, a contestant on tonight's episode of Jeopardy! Tidwell? More like Tid-LOLWAT. All aboard the fail boat!

Wolf Blitzer Lost On Jeopardy

Pareene · 09/18/09 09:54AM

If you've watched Wolf Blitzer struggle to ask relevant questions of interviewees or just fill up time with cliches and nonsense you might've gotten the impression that he is not very bright. He did Celebrity Jeopardy to prove you wrong!

Meet John Munson, Self-Proclaimed Gadabout

The Cajun Boy · 07/28/09 09:59PM

For some time we'd heard about someone named John Munson, though we'd never met him. Then on Friday we turned on Jeopardy and saw an ascot-wearing contestant with a phallic signature introduced as a "gadabout". It was John Munson.

WWD Gossip Re-Emerges As Jeopardy! Contestant

Hamilton Nolan · 09/09/08 11:24AM

Greg Lindsay comes across as an uptight guy. But that doesn't stop him from appearing on television again and again. Indeed, he's the poster boy for go-getters who try on every form of media until they find one that fits best. The former WWD gossip columnist and author of a book about sleeping in airports landed a "memorable" appearance on Martha Stewart's TV show earlier this year. And last night, he was a contestant on Jeopardy! The secret to his publicity, he advised a youngster long ago, is to remember "it's all about the brand called you." And how! Click to watch the clip of Lindsay's, um, uphill battle. And we'll let former Deadspinner Will Leitch finish the story of watching the show with Greg himself:

State of Popular Culture in Jeopardy

Richard Lawson · 07/10/08 12:57PM

From Fashionista, this was the $1,600 question in the "TV Women" category of Jeopardy! last night. It has to do with MTV reality space opera The Hills. The correct response, of course, would be "Who is the goddess Kali?" Click through for larger.

Choire · 11/02/07 02:30PM

What excitement! Next week's Jeopardy—which has some cockamamie relationship with the New York Times—will feature a category on the newspaper each day for its Tournament of Champions! Get your questions—oops, your answers—ready!
Monday, Nov. 5 - The New York Times Op-Ed
Tuesday, Nov. 6 - The New York Times Columnists
Wednesday, Nov. 7 - Blogs of The New York Times
Thursday, Nov. 8 - The New York Times Travel section
Friday, Nov. 9 - The New York Times Business section

Ken Jennings Exposed to the Sad Reality That Is the 'Post'

Jessica · 07/26/06 08:17AM

After winning 74 consecutive games of Jeopardy! and snatching $2.52 million, Joseph Smith's most chosen disciple Ken Jennings has a few suggestions for the classic game show, which he likens to the "Dorian Gray of syndication":