
New Jersey Congressman Is Smarter Than a Supercomputer

Jim Newell · 03/01/11 01:25PM

It's a promising day for humans! For one among us, New Jersey Rep. Rush Holt, has thwarted the march of the machines. That's right: Holt actually beat the IBM supercomputer Watson at Jeopardy! last night. So all that talk yesterday about how glad he was that his "humiliation" wouldn't be televised just served to lower expectations, knowing all along that he'd stomp that crappy robot. Hey IBM? It's time to throw Watson in the trash.

Jeopardy! Supercomputer to Destroy Congressmen Tonight

Jim Newell · 02/28/11 05:42PM

Watson, the IBM supercomputer know-it-all asshole that crushed its meager human competition a few weeks ago on Jeopardy!, has some new flesh-and-blood to feast on tonight: Four members of Congress. Unfortunately, the carnage won't be televised. Humans still have a tenuous control over the airwaves, which Watson's cold, dangerously self-aware claws have yet to conquer. And these humans don't want their humiliation broadcast across the country. C'mon, you four! We'd understand.

Watch a Computer Win $1 Million on Jeopardy!

Matt Cherette · 02/16/11 07:37PM

Tonight brought us part three of the ultimate Jeopardy! challenge, with an IBM-created computer, Watson, battling all-time show favorites Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter. In the end, Our New Robot Overlord was victorious, taking home $1 million for "his" charities.

Jeopardy-Playing Computer Shows No Mercy

Max Read · 02/14/11 08:45PM

Did you see IBM's Jeopardy-playing computer, Watson, play against show champions Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter tonight? (You may have been thinking "What black magick is this, that a talking box should play at being human?" yet verily, I tell you, it is no black magick but a "Mechanical Turk" fastened of steel and copper wire.)

Jeopardy! Contestant Takes Alex Trebek's Mom for $400

Matt Toder · 12/20/10 10:10AM

Things got a little nuts last week on the set of Jeopardy! when they unveiled a pretty crazy set of categories for Double Jeopardy. It led to one contestant actually saying: "Alex, I'll take Your Momma for $400."

Is This Guy the Most Entertaining Jeopardy! Contestant Ever?

Matt Cherette · 10/19/10 07:59PM

Jon Golbe is an actor/TV writer/Brooklynite. Tonight, Golbe was a contestant on Jeopardy!, and—for several, possibly unknown reasons—he stole the show more than any other contestant in recent memory. Inside, a compilation of Golbe's best (or worst?) moments.

'What Is Gawker?'

Adrian Chen · 09/28/10 07:51PM

Gawker got an unexpected shoutout on Jeopardy! this evening. In an attempt at relevance, one of the categories on the show was "Blogs & Bloggers." And Gawker was an answer! (Question? Whatever.) Check it out below.

The Night Gawker Took Over Jeopardy!

Matt Cherette · 09/28/10 06:48PM

Isn't this neat! On tonight's episode of Jeopardy—during the "Double Jeopardy!" round—there was a category called, "Blogs & Bloggers." You know where this is going, right? When the $1,600 answer came up... well, just watch and see.

Jeopardy Contest Drops F-Bomb After Missing Star Wars Question

Kate Shapiro · 09/28/10 04:47PM

A contestant on Jeopardy dropped the F bomb when he got a wrong question to a $400 dollar question about Star Wars. Can't say we blame him. That was a really easy question and he missed it on national television.

Alex Trebek's Jeopardy F-Bomb

Andrew Tatreau-Sherwood · 05/04/10 02:44PM

Seems like Trebek has little patience for anything—even without contestants like Sean Connery. Watch as he gets fed up while filming this promo for at-home-phone-Jeopardy! Wait for the F-bomb at the end.

What is Heroin, Alex?

Matt Toder · 04/14/10 12:53PM

On last night's Jeopardy!, more than biographical tidbits were revealed when Alex Trebek asked a forensic scientist about his job. The guy works with illicit drugs mostly, and apparently, Alex has some experience in that area.