
Is It Bad to Nominate Yourself for an Award?

Hamilton Nolan · 04/17/12 10:41AM

Yesterday, New York Times foreign correspondent Jeffrey Gettleman (pictured) won a Pulitzer for his reporting on strife and famine in Africa. Though the Times traditionally decides who of its reporters deserve nominations, Gettleman didn't wait for the bosses—he nominated himself. Does that make him an asshole?

More Couples Of The 'Times'

Doree Shafrir · 07/17/07 02:00PM

Unfortunately, not all men at the Times look like Jeffrey Gettleman! (Pictured, here, shirtless. HELLO.) Still, some have managed to find love regardless. From our original list of Times couples, today we bring you additions and omissions both obvious and not. (More additions are, of course, welcome.)