Unfortunately, not all men at the Times look like Jeffrey Gettleman! (Pictured, here, shirtless. HELLO.) Still, some have managed to find love regardless. From our original list of Times couples, today we bring you additions and omissions both obvious and not. (More additions are, of course, welcome.)

Crusading anti-Bush (George, that is) Op-Ed columnist Frank Rich, as anyone who's seen the genius "Colour Me Kubrick" will recall, is married to Alex Witchel, who lately has been writing about food and Christine Ebersole. (Rich, of course, was the Times theater critic from 1980-1993, so maybe he gave her a few extracurricular edits if you know what we mean? Wink wink!).

Felicity Barringer, who's lately been writing about the environment for the National desk, is married to former Washington bureau chief Philip Taubman (who also wrote that book about the CIA, Secret Empire: Eisenhower, the CIA, and the Hidden Story of America's Space Espionage, a few years ago). Taubman was replaced by former Los Angeles Times editor Dean Baquet as bureau chief in January, and is now an "associate editor" of the paper based in California. His job also entails working as an investigative reporter covering national security issues.

Jack-of-all-trades/deputy culture editor Rick Lyman (who most recently has been writing obits, plus whatever the hell else he seems to want to cover), is married to Metro stringer Barbara Whitaker.

And Styles editor Trip Gabriel (who, we hear, makes it into his desk by 8:30 a.m. every day from his home in fancypants Pound Ridge), is married to Alice Gabriel, who writes freelance food articles for the paper, mostly about places in Westchester County, which is probably why you've never heard of her. Which also means the Gabriels probably eat very well!

But really, we just wanted an excuse to run that photo of Jeffrey Gettleman. Don't hate us.