
Sarah Palin Commiserates with Leno About Being Ridiculed on the Internet

Maureen O'Connor · 03/03/10 01:07AM

Sarah Palin made her "comedy debut" on The Tonight Show. (Apparently the running joke of her candidacy doesn't count. Ba-dum-ching!) This allowed us to witness a pair of millionaires chuckling on a Hollywood stage about how they are bloggers' victims.

Jay Leno Can't Come Up With Original Material Anymore

Mike Byhoff · 03/02/10 11:53AM

On Jay Leno's first night back to Tonight Show hosting duties, he stole two jokes for his monologue. One from Mitt Romney(!?), and another from an ESPN Page 2 sports writer. Proof inside.

Jay Leno's Racist Foray into Acting

Whitney Jefferson · 02/25/10 02:03PM

In celebration of Jay Leno's return to television next week, we thought we'd give you another reason to hate the guy: his performance in 1989's Collision Course. He plays a Detroit cop with a love of cars and racial slurs!

NBC's New Tonight Show Promo a Slap in Conan O'Brien's Face

Matt Cherette · 02/18/10 11:35PM

As the world awaited (still does) Johnny Weir's free skate routine at the Olympics, NBC aired a promotional ad for The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. And, honestly, the choice of song proves the network never cared about Conan O'Brien.

cityfile · 02/11/10 05:03PM

• More layoffs at the New York Times may be on the way. Uh oh. [Wrap]
• NBC was planning to lose $250 mil. on the Olympics before the games even started. Now it's worried about low ratings/injured athletes, too. [LAT, NYP]
• More bad news for NBC: A poll finds that 69 percent of the people who used to watch Jay Leno have no plans to follow him back to The Tonight Show. [TVG]
• Two-in-one magazine/catalog Lucky has a new publisher. [WWD]
• Movies: The next Twilight installment will consist of two separate movies (everyone gets to pay twice!); Brittany Murphy's final film will hit theaters this summer; and Valentine's Day is expected to top the weekend box office.
• Related: Julia Roberts makes a six-minute appearance in Valentine's Day. That means she was paid about $500,000/minute for her services. [NYM]
• MySpace has clearly seen better times. (Like 2005.) [NYT, LAT, ATD]
• TV: The Ellen DeGeneres Show is staying on NBC, not going to ABC; evil empire Wal-Mart is planning to produce "family-friendly" television programming; and Sarah Palin's fave show, American Chopper, has been canceled, gosh darnit.

Donald Trump to Jay Leno: "You're Fired!"

Matt Cherette · 02/10/10 03:15PM

Last night, Jay Leno said goodbye to NBC for the final time the next three weeks, as his failed primetime experiment came to a close. And who better to give him a sendoff than The Donald himself, live via satellite.

cityfile · 02/09/10 04:14PM

The Jay Leno Show ends its run tonight. It was actually scheduled to conclude on Thursday, but NBC moved it up to tonight to take advantage of the lead-in from The Biggest Loser. Make of that what you will. [NYT]
Ellen DeGeneres takes Paula Abdul's seat on American Idol tonight. [LAT]
• The second season of Jersey Shore will be set in one of the few places in America that's cheesier than the Jersey Shore: South Beach. [Movieline]
• Were CNN's ratings so lousy last week that it sent Anderson Cooper and Sanjay Gupta back to Haiti in the hopes it would give the network a boost? Hey, it's a theory! (And from CNN's co-founder and former CEO, no less.) [HP]
• A Playboy shareholder has filed a class action lawsuit against the company, claiming Hugh Hefner's been sabotaging efforts to sell the company. [TMZ]
Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit issue has been unveiled. It's the issue that keeps the lights turned on at SI, as you probably could have guessed. [MW]
The White Stripes are kind of ticked off that the U.S. Air Force used one of its songs in a commercial that aired during the Super Bowl. [NYT]
• A Sopranos-themed musical is not coming to Broadway. Reassuring! [NYM]