
Founders Club, MC Hammer take over SNL studios

Nicholas Carlson · 11/07/07 01:00PM

Digital media types here in New York are always looking for a reason to celebrate their own achievements. A couple of months ago, a few of them began calling themselves the Founders Club and decided to start holding mixers around town. Last night, NBC hosted the latest in the series on the set of Saturday Night Live. Who showed? Mostly wantrepreneurs looking for a VC teat to suckle, of course. But I also ran into Digg CEO Jay Adelson, pictured above; a definitely not-pictured angel Ron Conway, who dodged my camera; a Facebook "founder"; and MC Hammer.

Who will be the Ken Jennings of Web 2.0?

Megan McCarthy · 10/18/07 02:13PM

Study your trivia and get your answer buzzer ready, as there's a contest this evening at the Web 2.0 Summit. Nerdboys and geek girls, your life's in jeopardy, Web 2.0-style.

Freaks lure geeks to Austin to talk budget

Owen Thomas · 08/13/07 12:00PM

So Brad Fitzpatrick, Jay Adelson, and Jimmy Wales walk into a bar ... sorry, the only joke here is how the creators of LiveJournal, Digg, and Wikipedia — three top experts on social networks — wasted their weekend. If they walked into a bar, I'd hope it was to drink away their sorrows after discovering they flew out to Austin, Texas for a whole lot of nothing. That's the word I've gotten, anyway, from attendees at last weekend's "We Are All Actors" conference, organized by the League of Technical Voters, a group campaigning to make the Federal budget less obscure. "The meeting sucked, actually (didn't stay on topic, more or less skipped important agenda items, stupid shakespeare/actors theme, etc)," read one passed-along report. Typical, if disappointing. And telling.

Chris Pirillo gets pwned on Pownce

Owen Thomas · 07/27/07 07:49PM

Chris Pirillo, the tech pundit and conference organizer, doesn't mind being exposed. But he does object to people stealing his identity, as some unknown user has done on Pownce, Kevin Rose's file-sharing service. Pirillo says he hasn't signed up on Pownce, and doesn't know who's using the username "chrispirillo" on the service. Among the people the faux Pirillo appears to have taken in, if you can trust any username on Pownce: Digg cofounder Jay Adelson, spokesblogger Robert Scoble, and Internet-TV personality Veronica Belmont. One thing Pirillo might want to look into: Someone has also signed up for Pownce with the login "lockergnome," the name of Pirillo's popular tech website.

Was Jim Louderback pushed? Or did he jump?

Owen Thomas · 07/11/07 01:18AM

Luckily, former PC Magazine editor Jim Louderback won't have to depend on renting out his Vermont vacation home for income. Revision3, the online-video startup founded by Jay Adelson and Kevin Rose, has hired him as its new CEO, a coup Adelson was bragging about at the recent Foo Camp. But we're not buying the spin Louderback's allies are peddling to NewTeeVee — that he jumped to Revision3 rather than getting pushed out of his plush perch at PC Magazine. Here's the evidence for both theories — and your chance to vote in a poll.Here's why: A source estimates his salary at $300K or higher, a big expense for a magazine losing ad pages left and right, and notes that he was commuting from the Bay Area to New York City for the job. That suggests he was pushed. On the other hand, online video is a hot market right now, and a San Francisco job is understandably more appealing — which suggests Louderback jumped. Update: For the record, Jim Louderback emails Valleywag, saying he jumped:

Who's selling, who's buying at the Allen confab?

Owen Thomas · 07/10/07 09:52AM

Sun Valley, the quiet Idaho ski resort town, is about to get a charge from Silicon Valley. Allen & Co., the New York investment bank, has been holding an exclusive conference there for 25 years, but until recently, the invite list has been limited to old-media moguls. On the invite list for this year's conference, which kicks off tonight: Jay Adelson, CEO of Digg, the social-news website, which he cofounded with Kevin Rose. Here's why we think Adelson's on the list — and who else might show up.

Why Digg's quiet CEO is suddenly talking

Nick Douglas · 05/03/07 03:04PM

NICK DOUGLAS — The general geek public associates one name with Digg: Kevin Rose. He's the social site's public face, and no wonder: he spent years as a TV show co-host, and he's the younger and edgier of Digg's two co-founders. So in the aftermath of Digg's decision to let users illegally publish a code, why is his partner and CEO Jay Adelson giving all the interviews? He's the one who talked to the New York Times, Fortune, Wired News, and BusinessWeek. Because they got funneled through the same PR firm that I did.

Geek out: Revision3 Launch Party

Nick Douglas · 09/27/06 10:20PM

Last night, Digg founder Kevin Rose and pals celebrated the relaunch of his Revision 3 online TV network with a party at Mighty, a San Fran venue currently sporting sculptures of flying underwear (really. Don't know why). Scott Beale provides the photos below.

Loose Wires: MySpace on TV

Nick Douglas · 09/26/06 08:34PM
  • DirecTV announces Project MyWorld, a TV show in which three young girls search for their MySpace friends in the real world. National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, start your engines. [Mashable]