Who will be the Ken Jennings of Web 2.0?

Study your trivia and get your answer buzzer ready, as there's a contest this evening at the Web 2.0 Summit. Nerdboys and geek girls, your life's in jeopardy, Web 2.0-style.
- The Web 2.0 Bowl is tonight. Watch as Web celebrities Jay Adelson from Digg, AOL founder Steve Case, angel investor Ron Conway and New York Times reporter John Markoff face off in a brain battle to see who can remember details about the Internet industry and the people who created it. Like Jeopardy, only replace Alex Trebek's bitchin' mustache with host John Battelle's oompa loompa glow. [Web 2.0 Summit]
- Frog Design hosts an open studio tonight. [Upcoming]
- We hear that website rating service Quantcast is hosting an open-bar first anniversary party tonight at 6 p.m. at Thirsty Bear in SOMA.
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