
Arizona Adds Revenge Porn Law to Its Books

Michelle Dean · 05/02/14 09:17AM

This week Arizona's Republican governor, Jan Brewer, signed its anti-revenge-porn law onto the books. The Arizona law makes it a felony to "intentionally disclose, display, distribute, publish, advertise or offer a photograph, videotape, film or digital recording of another person in a state of nudity or engaged in specific sexual activities if the person knows or should have known that the depicted person has not consented to the disclosure."

Jan Brewer Signs "No Shitty Inoperable Gun Left Behind" Into Law

Adam Weinstein · 04/30/13 01:31PM

It's time someone addressed the real victims of America's decline in traditional family values. I speak of our national shame: unwanted firearms. If Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer could, she'd adopt them all, no matter how broken. But she's doing the next best thing: finding loving homes for orphaned hand-cannons.

Bill Maher Can't Abide the Conservatives' Disrespect for President Obama

Matt Toder · 02/17/12 11:03PM

At the tail end of tonight's Real Time, Bill Maher took a moment to ruminate on the way conservatives treat President Obama, whether it is heckling him during the State of the Union address or, more recently, Governor Jan Brewer throwing her finger in his face and then saying she felt threatened. Maher believes that no other President has ever gotten treated as such to his face and he is probably right. Wonder what could be behind it all.

Why Can't Barack Obama and Jan Brewer Just Get Along?

Jim Newell · 01/26/12 01:35PM

Perhaps you have heard the news about this, the most destabilizing political scandal to hit American politics since Teapot Dome: President Obama and Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer had a modest disagreement about her new book, Scorpions for Breakfast, on the tarmac yesterday. The photographers even captured her pointing at him. What is everyone's problem?

Arizona Ruins GOP Primary Schedule

Jim Newell · 09/13/11 12:43PM

What new, irritating things have recently gone down in the fire-soaked hell fields of America's anti-best state, Arizona? It's always important to check in, in case, say, Steven Seagal is riding a tank en route to a chicken/puppy massacre. The latest news doesn't involve any murder, thank goodness. Only the possible collapse of the Republican primary schedule. Hooray!

Arizona Has an Official State Gun

Jeff Neumann · 04/29/11 06:28AM

If there's one thing in the world that Arizona needs right now, it's an official state gun. Another totally normal state, Utah has one, so it's only fitting that Arizona followed suit. Governor Jan Brewer yesterday signed the important bill into law making the classic Colt Single Action Army Revolver the state gun. That's cool and everything, but we want to know which state will be the first to choose an official taser/stun gun/mace?

Arizona Legislature Passes 'Birther Bill'

Jeff Neumann · 04/15/11 12:44AM

In rather unsurprising news from America's dry, crackly grundle, lawmakers in Arizona last night passed the Trump-approved House Bill 2177, which requires any presidential candidate to show proof of his or her U.S. citizenship before being added to the state's ballot. Governor Jan Brewer will have five days to sign the bill into law.