
Morgan Stanley's CEO Is a Wild and Crazy Guy

Hamilton Nolan · 06/30/14 10:21AM

Morgan Stanley is a $63 billion Wall Street firm with an 80-year history and almost $2 trillion in assets under its control. It's shocking to discover that the place is run by a japester of Loony Tunes proportions!

Hamilton Nolan · 09/06/13 12:54PM

Morgan Stanley CEO James Gorman says of the possibility of another financial crisis like the one in 2008, "The probability of it happening again in our lifetime is as close to zero as I could imagine." James Gorman is only 55 years old.

Wall Street: Friday Morning

cityfile · 05/15/09 05:40AM

• The Carlyle Group will pay $20 million to end an investigation by Andrew Cuomo into its dealings with pensions and placement agents. [NYT, WSJ]
• Two attorneys at the SEC are under investigation for insider trading. [CBS]
• Hedge fund manager Jim Simons is facing tough questions from angry investors who put money into one of Simons' under-performing funds. [WSJ]
• Barclays is in talks to sell its Barclays Global Investors. Blackrock and Bank of New York Mellon are two of the bidders. [BN, Reuters]
• Six major insurance companies are getting a bailout. [BN, NYT]

Citi and Morgan Stanley Close In on a Deal

cityfile · 01/12/09 07:37AM

• Talks between Citigroup and Morgan Stanley continue as the two banks discuss a plan to combine Citi's Smith Barney unit with Morgan Stanley's brokerage division in a joint venture worth $20 billion. [FT, Bloomberg, WSJ]
• It remains unclear if Vikram Pandit will be able to hang on as Citigroup's CEO, especially amid rumors the bank will report a $10 billion loss for the fourth quarter. In the meantime, banking regulators are pushing for the removal of Citi's chairman, Win Bischoff. [NYT, WSJ]
• The man who will likely lead the Citi-Morgan Stanley joint venture, James Gorman, is now considered the frontrunner to take over for Morgan Stanley CEO John Mack when he retires next year. [Bloomberg]
Phil Falcone's Harbinger is the latest hedge fund to limit redemptions. [DB]
• The board of the Federal Reserve of New York met with candidates over the weekend as part of their effort to find a replacement for Tim Geithner. [NYT]

The End of the Rally?

cityfile · 11/26/08 06:20AM

♦ Don't expect another winning day on Wall Street: Stock futures pointed lower following grim news about unemployment and consumer spending. [WSJ]
♦ Consumer spending fell 1 percent in October, the steppest decline in seven years. And the four-week average of new jobless claims hasn't been this high since January 1983. [CNN, WSJ]
♦ Good news: Shares of Citigroup appear to have stabilized. Bad news: Not everyone is convinced the rescue plan will be enough to keep Citigroup solvent. And it's never a good sign of things to come when your head of human resources suddenly jumps ship. [WSJ]