
Is This School Bus Driver Fearless or Just an Idiot?

Matt Cherette · 01/23/11 09:58PM

Don't try this at home! Actually, don't try it anywhere—ever. Anyway, here's a four-minute video of a Nicaraguan school bus driver literally fording a raging river. Twice! (The bus is full, by the way.) Brave? Idiot? Brave idiot?

Germany's Downfall Will Be Facilitated by This Roundabout

Matt Cherette · 01/13/11 02:20PM

Here's a video that someone took over the course of an hour of a roundabout in Erfurt, Germany. After recording the massive, embarrassing confusion that occurred during the hour, our videographer edited it down to the best (worst) two-and-a-half minutes.

Here's How Amish People Ski

Matt Cherette · 01/10/11 02:59PM

Take one horse and buggy, one rope, one pair of skis, and one incredibly eager Amish person, and what do you have? Amish skiing, y'all. Inside, see the most fun this guy's had, well, probably ever. Who needs electricity, anyway!

The Official Congressional Freshmen Hot List

Jim Newell · 01/07/11 03:32PM

There are so many new members of Congress this year — and some of them are even attractive, by Washington standards! We've studied them all and plucked only the "sexiest." And your Gawker editors have scored them, to boot.

Tower of Fire Explodes from New York Manhole

Ryan Tate · 01/03/11 01:05PM

A pedestrian was shocked to see a 15-foot explosion blow away a West Village manhole cover the other day. But not too shocked to start filming! Video after the jump, in case you're wondering whether it's safe outdoors, post snowpocalypse.