
Harry Potter's PR Strategy: Charm The Kids

Foster Kamer · 07/12/09 04:00PM

Are the young Harry Potter actors not the best? They are, because they're not ridiculous celebrity assholes, instead choosing acting in Broadway shows, going to Ivy League schools, and throwing down the charm offensive on young 12-year-old reporters. Seriously:

Jizzle Yizzle And Nizzle Shizzle Smoke Weed With Snoop Dogg At The Bowery

Joshua Stein · 11/29/07 03:40PM

Speaking from experience, the life of an After Hours reporter can sometimes be tedious. There's only so much free Belvedere vodka one can drink (just kidding! There's no limit. Please drink responsibly); so long you can feign interest in the pap vaguely interesting people are feeding you; and so many canapes you can cram down your throat the whole time thinking, "Fuck, I'm going to be too drunk to have a proper dinner." Which is why Jada Yuan's job at New York magazine remains a thing to be marveled at but not envied. But then there are times when one's relentless faux-enthusiasm for all things nocturnal pays off. Like, for instance, when you are Jada Yuan and you run into Snoop Dogg at the Bowery Hotel and a swarthy Radar-employed enabler named Neel Shah convinces you it's a good idea to get high with him. And so you do.

The Political Is Extremely Impersonal At 'Radar'

Joshua Stein · 10/18/07 02:39PM

Last night Radar, which is a magazine, threw a party at Goldbar for its new Politics issue. Outside, someone said that if Goldbar disappeared at that moment from the face of the earth, no one in New York would be offended. But there were free drinks, gold plated skulls, a slew of enemies and a couple of friends and a few awkward situations. Nikola Tamindzic was there to capture the gilded glory of it all.

Lance Bass And 'New York' In Spatty Meowfest

Joshua Stein · 08/28/07 01:40PM

For a brief glimpse of a moment last week we genuinely liked Lance Bass. He'd just given an interview with New York mag's party hobbit Jada Yuan in which he A) bitched accurately about the NY real estate market B) dissed astutely Justin Timberlake's new restaurant and C) copped admirably to being the worst dancer in 'N Sync. "I've been a few times," he said about Southern Hospitality. "But it's really up there. The Upper East Side? I'm not in college anymore." Now Bass claims that he said no such things and he's demanding a retraction.